Chapter 3 These seconds matter!

Start from the beginning

As she got to him she put her bag down, she could hear him sobbing, so she put her arms over him. Izuku buried his head into her shoulder he couldn't speak at all, she held the back of his head against her shoulder doing her best to comfort him, she could feel her own tears falling down. The other 3 soon arrived, Kyoka's phone then starting ringing "I'll be back in a minute ok Izu?" She said, he only nodded in response and sat back down.

Mina and Fumikage sat down on both sides of him and put their arms around him. Kyoka walked for a bit before she answered her phone, it was her mom. "H-hey mom... w-we heard... th-thank you" Kyoka said but she could feel her voice breaking. "It's ok sweetie, his mom will be fine thankfully, she's been told to stay in hospital for at least a few days, so in the meantime could you past on a message to Izuku?" She said "O-ok" Kyoka responded.

"Tell him if he wants to, Your father and I have agreed that if he wants to, he can stay with us until his mother returns home ok" Her mom said. Kyoka took a deep breath "O-ok I will" she said. If it meant helping she would do it. "Thanks sweetie, we'll see you both this afternoon... unless you want me to pick up both up soon?" Her mom said trying to make her daughter feel better. "Maybe... I'll see, I should probably get going, I'll either soon or this afternoon... thanks mom" Kyoka said before hanging up.

She went back to the others, Fumikage stood up to allow her to sit down. Kyoka sat next to Izuku, she could feel her tears falling again as she held his left hand intertwining her fingers in his, he squeezed her hand in response. His sobbing had stopped, it was now just his tears falling down. Mina hugged the 2 then stood up, wiping her own tears then going into the principals office with Fumikage and Mirio, Kyoka and Izuku remained seated holding hands for awhile, Izuku finally managed to speak.

"Sh-she fainted as she w-was walking down the stairs... she got a concussion and a b-broken arm... I don't want anything to happen to her" he said he voice was breaking a little, the entire time he was looking at the ground "I-Izuku can you look up at me please" Kyoka said, after a few seconds he did, Kyoka smiled at him though both their faces were reddened from crying. Kyoka spoke again "My parents said that ummm if you want... you can stay with us until your mom returns home" Izuku blinked a few times, did he hear that right? He must have. He let go of her hand and hugged her.

Kyoka could feel her cheeks getting a little bit warmer as she began to speak again "You're not alone in this Izuku ok" Izuku just nodded, the door of the principals office opened as Mirio popped his head out "You 2 don't have to go back to class if you don't want to" he said. Kyoka looked up at him "Thanks... we're not sure what we'll do" she told Mirio, he nodded then went back inside. 'Why does it seem like things aren't working out?' Kyoka thought.

The bell soon went for 4th period sports class, Kyoka and Izuku slowly made their way with Mirio. Once they got there Mirio explained the situation to Awata, she said they could sit on the bleachers. Kyoka worked on the assignment, she kept on glancing at to see what was doing. He was mostly looking down 'We'll help you and your mom I promise' she thought to herself. The rest of the day went uneventful, the 4 teens made their way to the train station once school had finished.

As they were walking Mina spoke "Y'know, it's funny that some of the teachers and that label us as misfits still" the other 3 nodded. "It's only cause of how we were and that they don't want to look at us as good students or whatever, not sure about Izuku at his old school, buut you get my point" said Fumikage. If the 4 were being honest, they didn't really care if they were called misfits. This new friendship of theirs was what they need. They then waited for the train to arrive, once they boarded they sat together. Kyoka got a message on her phone, she turned to Izuku and spoke "Hey Izuku, my parents want to know what would we like for dinner, we can have the chicken and potato soup if you'd like?"

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