Welcome To The Party

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Lyric's POV

* Next Day *

???: Lyric.

Me: Hmm.

???: Lyric.. wake up.

I groaned as I turned my body away from the person. I was starting to drift back to sleep until I felt fingers tap my forehead.

Me: Ugh. Who is it?

???: You know exactly who this is.

I groaned again, this time turning back to the voice. I slowly opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by a bright light.

Me: Oh shit!

I covered my eyes with my hands, only to see the red and blue squiggly lines moving in the darkness of my palms.

Me: Really Imani?

Imani: Sorry. I didn't know you were going to turn towards me.

She turned off the flashlight on her phone.

Me: Why were you shining a light at me anyways?

Imani: I was trying to see if you had any scars or anything. I need another reason to beat his ass.

Me: Found anything?

Imani: Naw.. not yet. You willing to get naked?

I rolled my eyes.

Me: How did you even get in?

Imani: The front door was unlocked.

Me: Was h-

Imani: Yeah. He was in the living room. All those Henny bottles gonna have him out till the evening.

I kissed my teeth.

Me: He needs to fall into a coma.

She placed her hand on her hip and raised her eyebrow.

Imani: What drug was it this time?

Me: Xan.

I watched as she shook her head.

Imani: He does new drugs like he's trying new food. Forget about me planning to kill him, he'll kill hisself before I can get to him.

I let out a little laugh as I laid up in the bed, rubbing my eyes.

Imani: (Fake surprise) She laughs?!

Me: (Laughing) Shut up!

She giggled as she walked towards my closet and opened it.

Imani: Let's see..

She took out black ripped shorts , a plain white crop top, and my black and white Vans and put them next to the bed.

Imani: Now get ready. We're going to the mall.

Me: At 11:30 in the morning?

She moved her other hand to her hip and gave me the "Really" face.

Imani: It's 3:45 in the afternoon, hoe.

Me: Oh shit! I damn near slept the day away.

Imani: (Laughing) Just hurry up and get ready.

I put my thumbs up and smiled at her before running into the bathroom to start my morning routine.

*35 minutes later*

I had just finished putting my hair in 2 braids when we arrived to Bluegrass mall. I applied some clear lip gloss on my lips as I waited for Imani to finish applying mascara on her lashes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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