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Kass💜💙 POV

Kassidy get yo ass up nowwwwww my sister Dynasty yelled. Today was the day me and Dynasty moved from South Carolina to Memphis, Tennessee. We've been in SC for a year now but chose to go back to our home town cause all the stuff that's been going on out here. I'm so excited to see my best friends Mani and Mora. I talked to them everyday but I wanna see them face to face and hug them so tight. But enough of that rah rah stuff let me tell y'all about me. My name is Kassidy Kehlani Jones, I'm 19 finna turn 20 in 5 months. I live with my older sister Dynasty that is 23. Our parents died when we was very young so we had to live with our Grandmother. She died when I was 18. Then we moved with our auntie but we decided to move back to Memphis. But right now I'm finna go in the shower and get ready to go.

I waked into my bathroom and started my hot shower, then turned my shower speaker and played "Need a friend for" by Lobg. I hoped in the shower for 45 minutes and got out putting on my towel. I headed to my closet to pick out what I'm wearing today. I got dress in a PINK outfit and did my hair and pack my things up and was out the door.

I walked downstairs to see my Sister and Aunt having a conversation. Dynasty looked up and said " finally you are ready let's go before we missed our flight" I rolled my eyes and kissed my Aunt goodbye. "Call me when y'all get settle in" my aunt said making me nod my head and got in the car.

3 hours later
We got off the plane otw to our new house. I haven't seen the house yet cause Dy wanted to surprise me. We pulled up to a good looking house that look about 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. The house was in a gated community in the rich part of Memphis.

I waked into the house and was so amazed

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I waked into the house and was so amazed. It was so fucking beautiful. It was fully furnished.


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^KitchenI ran straight into my room and was shocked about how beautiful it was

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I ran straight into my room and was shocked about how beautiful it was. It's was purple, silver with a little bit of bright pink.

I also have a walk in closet and my own bathroom room

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I also have a walk in closet and my own bathroom room.

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Dy nocked on my door making me turn towards it " Do you like it" she asked me

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Dy nocked on my door making me turn towards it " Do you like it" she asked me. I look at her like she was crazy " Like it BITCH I love it thank you so much." I said Running to give her a hug. She laughed and said" Have you seen the makeup room". "No" I said . She led her two doors down into a room that had BEAUTIFUL on the door. I opened the door and froze it was so cut it even had a lil sitting area.

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I thanked Dy for everything then went back to my room and started un-packing everything

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I thanked Dy for everything then went back to my room and started un-packing everything. After 4 hours I was done it was already 11:00 at night I went downstairs and got some snack Dy had bought me and went back upstairs took a shower then got in my bed watching TV and eating my snacks.

Wassup ppls how I did for my first chapter of Lîl rider.

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