Chapter 30 - The Peaceful

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"Oh, but... honey," she seemed confused still. "No." She shook her head. "You know that it's wrong. This is not how we raised you—"

"It's exactly how I was raised," Loek rolled his eyes. "Everyone is equal, and we're all children of God, aren't we?"

"But there's still the Devil's temptations. You shouldn't give in to those temptations," she grabbed their wrists and pulled their hands apart before she turned to face Jesse. "I think it's best if you leave, and I don't want you to see Loek anymore."

Loek let out a bitter laugh, stepping in between his own mother and Jesse. "Mom, the only reason I'm telling you, is to remind you why I wasn't home before. And as an explanation why I won't be home after today either. I'm moving back to Mees, who accepts me and supports me. Besides, I want to move back to him because it's where Jesse lives, and I want to be close to him, and not live with a condescending mother pretending as if nothing ever happened."

Loek turned away from his mother and walked towards his bedroom to grab the bags he had already packed. Jesse grabbed two bags, while Loek grabbed the rest. It was dead silent, and Jesse was surprised the mother hadn't even tried to stop him so far. But when they got back downstairs, Jesse noticed how the father was stopping her from going after Loek.

They piled everything into Mees' car, who had been waiting outside already.

"Loek, Mees!" Mr. Lindenberg hurried out of the house, preventing Loek from getting into the car. "I want you both to know I fully support you. But your mother needs someone to take care of her and I can't leave her like this. I disagree with her and I hope you two understand."

"I do," Loek said, though he sounded a bit cold. "It's nothing like last time, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't stop her last time either, and she wasn't sick back then." Loek sat down in the car, and Mees leaned over to look at their father.

"We'll send a Christmas card, good luck explaining her, over and over again, why her sons won't visit."

Loek slammed the door shut, and Jesse released a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Are you sure about this Loek? You know she'll forget again..."

"I am absolutely sure, Mees. I don't want to pretend everything is fine, knowing she would never accept me if she could remember the truth about me."

"Okay, good," Mees nodded and turned to look at Jesse. "Thank you for doing this with him. I appreciate you supporting him."

"Hey, if anyone knows what it's like to be hated by a parent, it's me. And I'll always support Loek, and you if you'd let me."

"I'll keep that in mind," Mees answered, turning around to drive away from the house. "But my offer to kill you if you hurt Loek still stands."

"And I didn't expect it to be different either," Jesse smiled, sinking in his seat while letting out a sigh. Mees talking to him, even if with a treat, meant that he accepted his presence. Besides, he had just thanked Jesse and that was something new.

So, deep down inside, Jesse knew Mees was starting to accept him.

So, deep down inside, Jesse knew Mees was starting to accept him

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