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~At a Cafeteria ~
The shooting had ended half an hour ago. Jazmyn was enjoying some quality time with her friend Seojun, at a Cafe. They had already ordered their coffees and were waiting for the order to arrive. Jazmyn and Seojun were talking to each other and just casually joking around.

"Oh yeah! I still remember it!" Seojun laughed. "And you guys were so mean. You left me alone with that dog. It kept on running after me for like one hour straight." Jazmyn chuckled. "Hey... you provoked the dog to attack you..." Seojun said, catching his breath from all that laughing. "Anyways... how was work today?" He asked. "Same old, same old..." Jazmyn sighed. "How was the meeting?" "Same old, same old..." Seojun sighed. Then after a second, they both chuckled at themselves.

Seojun looked up at Jazmyn. She was busy looking at her phone. Seojun admired her beauty and smiled to himself. He was feeling so happy, being able to spend time with Jazmyn.

Suddenly something popped up in his mind. He cleared his throat to divert Jazmyn's attention to himself. Jazmyn looked up from her phone's screen. "Jaz, what's your ideal type like?" He asked out of the blue. Jazmyn choked on air, gawking over at the boy infront. "What?" She asked. "Did I say something wrong?" "N-no... that was just so sudden..." Jazmyn chuckled nervously. Seojun hummed in response.

"Well... someone who respects me... is smart... umm... someone who is kind... who likes kids... someone who is a softie... and strong maybe... I never really think about it so much. Actually someone who has a little bit of attitude but with me... he should be nice... oh and he should be a gentleman!" "Wow! That's a long list of demands..." "Well... I don't know how to respond..." Jazmyn chuckled.

Their order arrived. As Jazmyn lifted her head from her coffee, she spotted a familiar boy sitting on a table at the very corner of the cafe. She recognized him immediately.

Jungkook lifted his head from his phone as felt someone staring at him. He glanced at Jazmyn sitting with another boy. Jungkook smiled at her and bowed a little. She waved at him and gestured him to come sit with them. Hesitantly, Jungkook got up from his chair and walked towards Jazmyn and the boy. He dragged a chair and sat down beside Seojun. After introducing each other, Jungkook told the two that he was waiting for the other guys to finish their shoot.

"So you're a model too?" Jazmyn asked. "We all are." Jungkook replied. Jazmyn had seen them all in a picture. But in person, she only knew Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. "You are the youngest amongst them, right?" Seojun asked. Jungkook nodded. Roughly fifteen to twenty minutes later, the rest of the boys walked in. Taehyung introduced the rest to Jazmyn. Finally she met all of them in person.

After spending a few more minutes there, Jazmyn and Seojun decided to leave. Seojun walked Jazmyn to her apartment and left soon after. Jazmyn walked into her room only to find a fast asleep Irene. She got ready for bed.

~ In the morning ~
Jazmyn rushed out the apartment with a piece of bread in her mouth. She was getting late for the shoot. Luckily it was the last day. Bow she wouldn't have to see anymore of camera and spotlights. Now she wouldn't have to deal with Hyerin, after today. Then she suddenly remembered the party she had been invited to, by Jinae.

Jazmyn greeted the guard with her mouth still full of bread. She rushed over to the curb and hailed a cab.

~ At the location of the ad's shooting ~
"That will be 11,094.98 won (approximately 9.50 US dollars)" the driver said once Jazmyn got off. "Here..." she half heartedly handed in the money to the driver.

As soon as Jazmyn entered the changing room, she was greeted with a long list of errands that she had to do. One by one, she completed all the tasks and in the meantime, the second photoshoot started. Hyerin and Jinae got ready.

Jazmyn was given a few other tasks. While the photoshoot was going on, some technical issues took place, which Jazmyn was given to handle. After the issue was settled, Jazmyn finally got a chance to get herself something to drink. She grabbed a bottle of water from her bag.

"JAZMYN!" The photographer called out. Jazmyn groaned ad she put the bottle onto the table and stormed towards the photographer. "What?" She asked. "The lighting isn't good enough." He replied. "Okay and..." "...please go check..." he replied again." "Dude! What am I supposed to do? You're the photographer here, you should know..."

After a ten minutes long argument with the photographer, Jazmyn finally started fidgeting with the props and the lights, in effort to end this photoshoot once and for all. A few moments later, she succeeded.

~ Three hours later ~
Jazmyn was heading home after the shoot was over. She thanked all the staff for being considerate and helpful (well not really but... formalities, ya know). She was on her way to her apartment when she received a message from her CEO. He had given her a presentation to prepare in just two hours and be at the office. Jazmyn groaned.

Upon reaching her room, she started working on the presentation right away. She left the apartment two hours later.

~ At Jazmyn's office ~
The meeting had just started. Jazmyn gave her presentation and sat back down. The CEO began talking about work. Jazmyn eyed Mi-so, who had started dozing off as the CEO went on and on about making the company better. As usual, Jazmyn and Jihyu's proposals were ignored. An hour later, the meeting ended and everyone headed home.

Jazmyn came back to her apartment with tons of work that was due the next day. She stayed up all night, working. Irene woke up a few times in the middle of the night, to check on her cousin.

Jazmyn rushed to her office the next morning, without getting any rest. It was Saturday but the CEO did not care. Another meeting was held, discussing the loss their company was going through. After two intense hours, Jazmyn came back to her cabin. Her head was pounding due to all that stress and workload. She received a text from Jinae's assistant, reminding her about the party.

She quickly rushed to the nearest mall as she had ran out of party wear. Skimming and scanning through a few shops, Jazmyn finally found herself a decent, grey laced dress, with a reasonable price. Without any delay, Jazmyn bought the dress and hurried over to her apartment to get ready.

She quickly did her makeup. She wore some jewellery. She slipped on her white comfy heels and the dress she had just bought. Now Jazmyn was ready to go.

 Now Jazmyn was ready to go

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 𝔗𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔟𝔩𝔢 𝔑𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔇𝔬𝔬𝔯Where stories live. Discover now