"Where they come from anyway?" He shrugged.

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"Fuckin stupid." I mumbled.

He just continued to eat.

"So back to yo baby mama."

"That ain't my baby dude."

"Not Cynthia dude. Jannah, have you heard from her today I thought you kept stressin about going to see a house with her today?"

"She hasn't answered the phone..."

"Yea she might be sleep then." I nodded agreeing with him.

"Might be. Did you take yo medicine today yet?" He nodded.

"Coo. I'm surprised Skye ain't over here playing wife on yo ass like she always do."

"She'll be coming soon. She was out last night so she probably over slept."

"Out? With who?"

"Some of her friends. They probably went out partyin."

I stayed quiet and turned my attention back towards the tv and played the game some more.

"Come one join me." I said throwing Andre a controller.

"Nah I'm good I don't feel to good." I looked at him once I heard the pain in his voice.

"Aye you Iight?" I asked touching his shoulder.

He had his hand on his heart.

"Man nah dude something is wrong. Fr Locc I don't feel good." He then started coughing really bad and stumbled over.

"Oh shit nigga wait!" I picked him up and put his arm around my shoulder. "Come on Dre you gotta walk man." I tried my best helping him limp out to my car. Once I got him in the car I rushed to the hospital.

Skye's POV

I sat next to Jannah's hospital bed and held her hand.

"Did you call Kamari?"

"No it slipped my mind." She turned her head and closed her eyes like she was tired. I let go of her hand and sat back in my seat trying to keep calm.

I looked up as the doctor came in. She smiled at me.

"Hello I'm Dr. Kining." She reached out and shook my hand.

"I'm Skye, her sister."

"Alright so I have good and bad news. Well more bad than good." I sighed and prepared myself. Jannah spoke up.

"Let me here the bad news first." I felt bad looking at how weak she was. I turned my head back to the doctor.

"Ok well for starters, we found traces of cocaine in your system..." My eyes grew. "Cocaine!?" She nodded. I looked at Jannah."What is she talking about??" "I don't do drugs Skye and you know that I don't." She looked at the doctor again.

"Do you know how they got in me? The drugs I mean?"

"Well we know for a fact that it wasn't smoked because your lungs are clear, and it wasn't snorted either. Although there were traces in your digestive system which means that the drug could have been put in food." I shook my head.

"Digestive system? Well what have you been eating?"

"Everything I usually eat."

"Well try to think of what exactly."

She sat quietly for a moment.

"Actually I ate some cookies last night off the counter."

"What cookies?" I asked confused.

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