Sunday: One Day After

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 Mr. Darling woke up on Sunday refreshed. He had spent Saturday in his workshop. He had an affinity for wooden toys. Still in his pajamas, Mr. Darling slowly went about cooking his breakfast. First he dropped a few eggs into the frying pan, then he poured some water in the kettle and set it on the stove. By then, Mrs. Darling had come in to help with breakfast. She quickly saw to the eggs while Mr. Darling finished up the tea. Together, they sat down to eat.

After breakfast, Mr. Darling stood at the kitchen sink, sipping the last bit of his tea. He peered out the window only to spit out his drink. The window looked over the front lawn and the front lawn was covered in white.

"Mabel?" Mrs. Darling came running into the kitchen,

"Richard?" she asked, "What is it?" Then she saw the lawn and gasped, "Oh my, how did this happen?" In answer, Mr. Darling ground out of clenched teeth,

"The trouble trio."

The two Darlings spent the rest of the morning cleaning toilet paper off their lawn and trees. The whole time Mr. Darling was silently seething about the injustice of the situation. Once again, he had no proof that it was Trent and his friends. It particularly annoyed him that they had the flair to leave such a big prank and they had the talent to leave no evidence.

Mrs. Darling had the mind not to say anything. She only cleaned the toilet paper away into a black trash bag. Then, when they were done, she retreated to her office to work on grading papers.

Mr. Darling, on the other hand, spent the rest of the day stewing. It was about time for revenge and he needed ideas.

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