Wednesday: Three Days Before

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They were going to strike again. He just knew it. The trio probably planned a prank for everyday this week. Today, Mr. Darling was walking on eggshells.

"Hi, Mr. Darling!" he jumped and looked to the source of the greeting. It was Trent. "Gee, I didn't mean to scare you." the squirrel apologized. Mr. Darling shook his head,

"It's fine, Trent. Don't worry about it." Trent beamed.

"Cool beans! Well, I must get off to class." The squirrel scurried off.

Mr. Darling was left to stare after him. He was confused. Since when did that dang squirrel say cool beans? Since when did Trent say hello to him? Mr. Darling shook his hands and continued to his office cautiously. He needed a cup of peppermint tea to soothe his nerves from the near heart attack the squirrel gave him. It seemed like he was running out of tea.

The trio did not strike Wednesday. Mr. Darling went home that day worried. He wondered what they had planned for the next day. He knew Trent and Savy's style and he knew they would strike again. Mr. Darling decided that the day of rest was designed to throw him off and allow them time to prepare for what was next. It was sure to be a doozy.

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