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 Principal Darling wasn't new to school. He'd been around the block. Not much could phase him anymore. That is, until Trent showed up. Now days, Mr. Darling was in a permanent state of befuddlement.

Never had Mr. Darling dealt with a trio quite like Trent, Savy, and Mary. The students who had dubbed themselves the Paternoster Gang (a television show reference if the school secretary was to be believed), were like no others.

Trent was the ringleader. He was also a talking squirrel. Strangely enough, he was an excellent student. Science and history was his specialty. Unfortunately, as was chaos and confusion.

His second, Savy Starr was a fair skinned, raven haired, young lady. She was a math genius judging by her grades. She also seemed to be the trio's planner.

Mary Williams was the final third of their group. She was the one who stayed out of trouble the most. From her file, Mary seemed to excel in the arts.

The trio left Mr. Darling waiting for the weekend every week. However, one weekend came to be far less restful than it was meant to be.

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