They need a plan. And the Captain has one.

'If they make us, I'll engage and Nemesis and Nat, you hit the south escalator to the metro.'

Evgenia flinches a little at the mention of that name. But there's no time to correct him.

'Shut up and put your arm around me. Laugh at something I said,' Natalia orders in a hurried voice.

Steve is quick to catch on, he picks Evgenia up by her armpits and rests her on the hip, then wraps his other arm around Natalia, pretending to laugh at something she says. Evgenia buries her face into his jacket, fearful of being recognised by the men. But to passersby, they simply looks like a family having a good time at the local mall.

The men pass them.

Evgenia lifts her face up as Steve rests her back on her feet. She's not walking for very long because as soon as they hit the escalators towards the ground floor, Rumlow appears, eyes darting around. Steve picks her back up and presses the back of her head into his shirt as Natalia turns around, eyes wide and a little desperate.

'Kiss me.'


'Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable,' Natalia rambles.

'Yes, they do.'

There's a halt in the conversation as she feels the Captain lean forward. Evgenia scrunts her face up in disgust. Public displays of affection certainly made her very uncomfortable. When she lifts her head up again, the brunette head of Rumlow is weaving in and out of the crowds on the first floor and Evgenia pokes Steve's arm to let him know.

She's set back on her feet as Natalia breaks away from the kiss and heads down the escalator, 'You still uncomfortable?'

'It's not exactly the word I would use,' Steve says, shouldering his way down the steps.


A blue four wheel drive slides to a halt next to several other cars at the red light. Inside two adults sit at the front, the woman with her legs on the dashboard and the man with his hands on the steering wheel. Behind them, a young child with tightly coiled hair plays with the seatbelt and a little doll with brown skin and similar curls is sat on the seat next to her, a seatbelt also strapping her into place. Evgenia stares at the car on their right in curiosity. A child her age gives lifts his hand to give her a wave as the lights turn green and they speed off once more.

'Good job back there kid,' Steve says from the driver's seat.

'Thanks,' Evgenia says quietly, eyes flitting towards the window. 

'What's your name?'

'Evgenia,' she offers as she turns her head towards the front seats.

Steve smiles at her through the mirror. 'That's a pretty name.' There's a natural pause in the conversation. 'How old are you Evgenia?'

She doesn't like this question. In fact, she hates it. It reminds her that she actually doesn't know how old she is. Then it hits her that she doesn't know what year it is either.

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