The door to the future

Start from the beginning

Her face turned sour and if lookes could kill, I would have been six feet under already. But we were both extremely stubborn, niether of us wanted to give in before the other. Well, this is going to be interesting.





The house had an eiry stillness that would give any mortal the chills. Stepping on the crackling leaves that had not been raked, I made my way towards the front door. Shifting A.J.'s sleeping weight on my arm I softly knocked on the door that would bind our future forever.

A few moments later the door opened and a startled looking Jacob stood behind the frame. Instead of greeting me or at least saying something, his full attention was on the sleeping bundle of curls in my arms. A.J. stirred in my arms, as if she knew that Jacob was near arm grasp of her.

"Jacob, I think we need to talk." I finally managed to say. "For her sake at least." I motioned to A.J. who was thankfully still sound asleep as if the world around her was in perfect harmony.

Jacob looked up at me, and wordlessly stepped away to let me pass with a nod of his head. He led me towards the small living room that was decorated with native tribe decorations. He sat on a worn out lazyboy and motioned for me to sit on the small couch across from it.

I saw the longing look in his eyes as he stared at A.J. wordlessly. Deciding that he wasn't going to harm her, I tentatively asked, "Would you like to hold her?"

He didn't have time to answer, because a soft voice spoke instead, "Momma." A.J. twisted herself in my arms so she was now sitting on my lap. She yawned softly, while burying her head in my hair.

"Good morning baby." I smiled, kissing the top of her head. "Look who's here."

"Hey sweetie." A smile broke out on Jacob's face as A.J. squealed in happiness and squired out of my arms into his.

"Jake!" A.J. jumped into his arms, giggling. I quietly sat watching them. Letting my mind drift.


My head snapped up, and I automatically looked around to see if anyone else aside from Jacob, A.J., amd I was in the room. I looked back at A.J. and Jacob who were now laying down on the ground while A.J. whispered loudly to him.

*Ezabeth, you must come to Mount Olympus immeaditly. Your presence is required.*

Father? What was so important that he had to telepathically reach me? He wasn't the one to just use it like Aphrodite.

I shivered remembering my last telepathic conversation with Aphro. I had yet to confront her on her statement about father.

'What has occurred?' I asked mentally. But no response came back.

Jacob and A.J. we're still on the ground, but Jacob was now nodding his head and whispering back. He must've said something funny, because A.J. started giggling.

"A.J., sweetie we have to go." I announced, standing up and making my way towards her.

"No mama!" she cried as I pulled her off the ground and carried her. "Jake!"

I was torn. I had to leave immeaditly, yet A.J. had barely just woken and her time with Jacob was limited. She wailed, reaching out for Jacob.

"Can't you stay for just a while more?" he pleaded.

"No." shaking my head I answered. "Something has happened, and I'm required to go immeaditly."

"What if you leave her here?" he asked. But seeing the doubt on my face he quickly rushed, "The bloodsucker can pick her up later."

Edward? He was still in town?

"Are you sure you can arrange for him to pick her up?" I asked a bit spectical. Jacob nodded wildly.

"sure. All he was talking about since you left was A.J.." He rolled his eyes. "He's dead, but I have to admit he would do anything for her."

After wieghting my options I gave in once I saw the teary look in my babies face. "Alright."

I set A.J. down after giving her a kiss on the cheek. When her feet touched the ground, she immeaditly ran over to Jacob.

"if anything happens -anything at all- use this." I handed him a golden drachma. "Throw it in some mist while saying 'Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, accept my offering.' And then just say my full name."

I was about to turn around and vanish when Jacob stoped me. "I suppose I can't say Bella Swan, can I?"

Ugh, I forgot Jacob didn't know my full name. It was so unusual for me to tell it to others because I was born into a world where everyone already knew it.

"of course not." I smiled. "It's Lady Ezabeth of Olympus."

I waved good-bye before letting a faint wind come in through the window and sweep me away to Olympus.




"Now would someone please tell me what happened?" I asked coming in through the doors. I wasn't surprised when I saw my parents yelling at eachother, it happened a lot lately. But something was different this time. My mother wasn't just angry, she looked livid!

"-well she shouldn't have been in my cabin in the first place!" Father yelled.

Before mother had a chance to respond I stood in between them before things got too far, and curses were thrown around.

"Explain." I stated. A mistake in my part, becuase as soon as I said that they were now yelling at me trying to tell me their part of the story. All I understood was: 'Annabeth', 'cabin', 'cat', and something about an dimwitted seaweed eater. "Enough!"

"One at a time please!" I complained, not being able to keep up with the changes in languages -much that were considered dead already.

"Annabeth was attacked by a benevolent bekeneko under your father's command." Mother glared at him, muttering under her breath.

"I did no such thing!" Father defended himself. "If that girl wouldn't have come in my cabin then this would have never happened."

"What?!" I yelled in shock. "Father, what was a benevolent bekeneko dueing in the cabin?"

Father looked sheepishly at me, "The cat. The one I sent for protection."

Oh, that explained a lot. I knew that the small kitten was just a disguise but I had never actually seen it transformed.

"Well the cat attacted Annabeth, and led her to faint." mother glared. "thank the fates that your father is too stupid not to extract the venom from it's claws so there is nothing to worry about now. You did extract the venom right?"

Father took a step back, as if bracing for the storm to come. "Not exactly. I inhased it."

That's when the room went up in chaos. The previously silent Olympians were now talk loudly between eachother each already taking sides if a war would to come between my father and mother.

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