Cassandra bright blue eyes open slowly to see the shiny sun. She uses her arms to try to cover the bright light but a hand stops her. She hears movement, birds, and maybe a river. A figure steps over her but she cannot make out the human. The unknown person begins to mumbles words she cannot understand and she begins to feel drossy and sleepy again. “Is this the afterlife?” she asks innocently before closing her eyes.

Cassandra bites her nail a habit she got from her mother and snaps out the horrible memory. She hasn’t seen her mother since the day her parents we’re murder. Cassandra thought she had died also but no she was awaken in Virgil keep. He had cast a powerful spell on her that created a strong bond between them two.

She couldn’t betray him and she couldn’t run away from him either or she would feel extreme pain no one could bare. All she wanted to do when she was a little girl was be back with her mother but it was impossible. Years later when she was in her teens her mother had come to take revenge. But her mother was mistaken when she thought Virgil was weaker.

Cassandra saw the look in her mother fearful eyes when Virgil stood over her with a knife in his hand about to take her mother life. She becomes sad but her anger takes over her sadness when Virgil pulls back about to stab her mother he stops inches from Victoria face shocking both of them. Victoria seems more confused but she took this as an opportunity and punched Virgil in the face casting a spell quickly and in a blink of an eye she was gone.

Cassandra stood there in shock she had just betrayed Virgil. Her bond with her mother was much stronger. She never understood the weird feeling she had with her parents but she always felt it when she was young. Before Cassandra could think any further though about the subject Virgil beat her and hung her in the basement for months breaking Victoria and her bond. She was now completely devoted to Virgil. It took years for Cassandra to trust Virgil she just dealt with him because she couldn’t leave. But it broke her heart when Virgil said her mother met a guy and was living a completely different life without her. She knew that night when she save her mother that Victoria didn’t see her that Victoria thought she was still dead but she never thought Victoria would give up on revenge. Cassandra cried for years not understanding and then one day she just stop and all the pain was gone. She knew it was Virgil doing but she appreciated it she never felt pain ever again.

Cassandra lets out a breath as she sits up in her bed. She still couldn’t believe her mother had another daughter and what pissed her off even more was the witch had 1st generation running through her veins. She was powerful and it took all of Cassandra energy plus Virgil to start the bond.

She knew what Virgil plan was but she didn’t like it at all. She didn’t see the point. Virgil was powerful even more powerful than her mother and if he played his cards right he could beat Chloe but Virgil was greedy. He didn’t know when to stop. He had to kill her mother to take her power and now he knew of a daughter he had to have her powers also.


Violet leans on the kitchen counter standing in only her black lace bra as Catherine work on her wounds. She was badly bruised on her stomach from the battle earlier with the creep Virgil and she had a hard time breathing from all the energy Chloe took just a few minutes ago. She felt like shit.

“I need to hunt.” Violet says trying to push pass Catherine but the strong vampire keeps a firm hand on her pushing her back into the counter and says, “No you need to rest. These wounds are bad and since Chloe took all your energy you can’t heal.”

“If I hunt I will get my energy back.” Violet growls matter of factly rolling her eyes in the process.

“Why do you got to be so damn stubborn.” Catherine spats. “You’re going nowhere not like this. Tomorrow maybe.”

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