After hearing this and thinking about it Izuku nodded, "Makes sense but why exactly is this happening?" Nezu spoke again, "Well some teachers after seeing how you fought thought that you would have a huge ego thinking you were better then everyone. Don't say you won't because yes some teachers don't think you will think that but other teachers think you will. This is just so your eyes could be opened up a little bit more." Izuku nodded understanding everything that has been said so far and Nezu continued, "Well as I was saying. Part of everyone having this idea is that most students in your class have close range combat quirks and only a couple that have long range attack quirks that don't need support items to make it long range. That being said this came up since most people have your class have attack quirks like you. And since you were able to defeat something that was pushing All Might himself back makes you probably the best close range combat quirk user in your class in a lot of situations. But another part is since your class is mostly made up of close range combat quirk users and you were able to beat something that All Might couldn't and he was the best person out of everyone excluding you in that place that could stand a chance against the Nomu and he didn't even stand a chance. The teachers think that once you figured this out you would go around boasting about this around the entire school and make a lot of enemies. Granted after reading all the close range combat quirk users in this school we do all think you are better then everyone but only in that situation. There are multiple other situations. Like for example what if there for two Nomus instead of one." Izuku nodded, "There are infinite situations and you could only be the best in a handful of them. Not to mention the different roles students fill depending on their quirks. We teachers have four different roles that we think students will fall into depending on their quirks. There is close range combat quirks, long range combat quirks, support quirks which are mainly healing quirks, and finally sneak quirks. Since you have encountered all of these types of quirks in your class like Kirishima for close combat, Todoroki for long range, Momo for support since she can make healing supplies anytime she needs to while she also fits in two of the other roles we think she fits better in this one, and Tooru for stealth. Out of all these mentioned you are the best out of everyone in your class in these four roles seeing as how you have multiple quirks and how you use them. But your classmates have only haven't even had one year to use there quirks like heroes. The second and third years have had one year or two years to master their quirks and figure out which type of hero they wanna be. They also have their quirk's drawbacks down better then your classmates. They also know what situations their quirks are better in the first years." Izuku nodded again, "So you are gonna let me watch and see how the third fight so I don't think I can do everything myself. Understood sir." Nezu nodded, "Good. I am gonna go back to my office but your parents still wanna talk to you about something between them and you." The other three nod and Nezu left.

After Nezu left Izuku spoke, "So what exactly do you guys wanna talk to me about?" Toshinori spoke, "Izuku I know we haven't been the best of parents to you." "Yeah. What about it?" "I know that you haven't fully forgiven us. After everything we did to you for 16 years there is no way you can just forgive us in a week." Izuku took a deep breath, "Your right. I haven't fully forgiven both of you. I have no clue if I ever will at the rate everything is going with me. The best I can do at this moment is be open to forgiveness. You two will have to earn the forgiveness though." His mother spoke, "Trust me Izuku we are really doing whatever we can to do whatever we can. We want you to forgive soon but at the same time we want you to have your own space to figure out if we actually deserve forgiveness." Izuku nodded and Toshinori spoke, "That was one reason we called you in here the other reason is to do with the sports festival in a week and a half." "Yeah what about it?" Toshinori took a breath and Inko did to, "Depending on what happens in the sport's festival I will choose between three people to inherit One For All." Izuku pulled a candy bar out of his pocket and began to open it, "Cool. Who are the three people who may inherit it?" Izuku took a bite out of the candy bar and Toshinori spoke before Inko could say anything, "Izuku why are you eating a candy bar?" Inko spoke, "Iron deficiency. Ever since his fight with the Nomu his iron levels have been low so he eats food with high levels of iron to up it until it gets back to normal." Toshinori nodded, "That makes sense. Well back to what I was saying. The three candidates are Bakugou, a third year named Mirio, and finally you Izuku." Izuku finished eating the candy bar and stood up and walked over to the window, "Make that only two candidates for One For All." This put the parents in a confused state and Inko spoke, "Izuku what are you talking about?" "This person is dropping out of the chance to get One For All." "S-sweetie this is a big opportunity. Why would you pass this up?" "I don't see it as an opportunity. I see it as another shadow." This confused the adults and Toshinori spoke, "What do you mean?" 

Izuku took a deep breath, "Ever since I found out about you two being heroes and after I developed my own quirk or quirks I started thinking. I quickly realized how similar your quirk is to my strength enhancer quirk is and I stopped using it in training. It took a lot of counseling for me to realize something. It is my power not yours. It is my life not yours. I don't wanna be in anyone's shadow anymore. For the longest time I felt like I was in yours and mom's shadows. I was always trying to be like you two. But I shouldn't be like you two. I need to just be myself. I need to make a name for myself. And I don't want any help to do it from you two. I don't want people praising me for being All Might's and Giant's son. I don't want people praising me because you chose me to be your successor. I wanna become my own hero. I don't care if I become the symbol or peace or not to be honest. You became a hero to become the symbol of peace. I am becoming a hero to get out your shadows. I don't care if people start calling me the symbol of peace I really don't. I just don't wanna be forced to become the new symbol of peace. I wanna choose what I do. Simple as that." After thinking for a bit his parents nodded and Inko got up and hugged her son close, "No matter what you do we will still love you. We never wanted you to seem like you were in our shadows. We have always wanted you to create your own path." Toshinori joined in on the family, "I am with your mother. You be your own hero. Don't try to become us." The parents stopped the hug and started to drink tea and Izuku smirked, "No worries. I will be better parents then you. I have to since Melissa is pregnant." The parents both spit there tea out, "WAIT WHAT! MELISSA IS PREGNANT!" Izuku fell to the floor laughing, "THIS IS NOTHING TO LAUGH AT IZUKU THIS IS VERY SERIOUS!" Izuku got back up still laughing, "Good god that was funny. How does being tricked feel." The parents looked confused and realized Izuku just did to them what they did to him earlier, "I gotta go get back to lunch. Have fun."

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