Chapter 3: Changes

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Kali's smile faded. "W-what are you going to do to me?", she said with a stutter. The scientists put on some gloves and said "Don't worry about it, this won't hurt one bit". The second scientist proceeded to cover her mouth with some sort of tape, Kali struggled, but to stay alive, she complied with the action being taken on her, despite how scared she was. The scientist with the gloves on proceeded to extract DNA from Murdock, he was a sweet cat, so he barely protested to the needle drawing blood from between his shoulders. Kali didn't freak out over Murdock being poked with the needle as much as she should've, Kali knows how well how he can fight back. The scientist turned to Kali with the needle. This really got her blood surging. Kali looked wide eyed at the needle as she thought, "Am I about to get injected with my cats damn blood?".  However, the scientist turned back away as they said, "I forgot the activating component!". The doctor opened a bottle and extracted some of the weird, murky-looking acid from the bottle and put it in the needle containing the blood from Murdock, and as the scientist turned back towards Kali, the man who taped her mouth held her eye open and her eye was injected with the blood, Kali's muffled screaming could be heard from behind the tape on her mouth as it was shoved into her eye. Blood spilled out from the eye that had been injected, and it tinted her eyes a deep red and black color. This was repeated with the ball python and the cobalt blue turantula, and Kali had passed out midway through. She could no longer see


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