Chapter 1

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3rd person view. Most of the story will be in her view.

She slowly opened her eyes, going over what had happened the previous night. She was never one to have sex with someone she barely knew, but there was something about him that allowed her to break her no-sleeping-with-strangers rule.

Smiling to herself she turned her body to look for the guy who took her to places she had never been and occupied her dreams last night. She saw the other side of the bed was empty, dread washed over her. She finally sat up with a grimace, her body hurt from last night, but she had more important things to worry about. She looked around and saw no sign of the dark haired male. Her eyes became glossy thinking the worst. She was covered up, so at least he had enough decency to cover her up.

The lights were off, the bathroom door was wide open, no signs of a guy ever being there. Was last night a dream? No, it couldn't have been, the ache between her legs and a crust coating her area was a sign that last night had happened. The sheets were even rumpled. She finally noticed that she had gone to sleep on the other side of the bed.

What she failed to notice was that a crinkled up note had fallen off the bed and under the stand beside the bed, when she rolled over in her sleep. A tear slowly fell down her cheek. She hurriedly took the covers off her body and swung her legs off the side of the bed, cringing at the movements.

She wanted to go home to her two dogs and cry. Her clothes were neatly stacked on the stand. She slowly got dressed in her clothes, she felt like a prostitute. How could she had been such a fool and sleep with him, he was so sweet and charming when they met, he pleasured her in ways no one else had ever, so gentle and caring. She was an idiot.

She stood up, and grabbed her wallet and keys, she thought of how ashamed her mother would be if she could see her now. Shaking her head, she began walking to the door before looking back at the bed with tears still falling down her cheeks and hitting her chest. She noticed something on the ground.

Her chest had filled with hope, maybe this was a misunderstanding and he didn't run off. The closer she got, the less hope she had. She grabbed the necklace that was definitely not hers, she gasped quietly, It was of a beautifully carved wolf, She had never seen one like it before.

She wiped her tears and pocketed the necklace. At least she had something to remember the mysterious man by. Though she wished that she had never met him.

Walking out of the hotel room and making her way down to the lobby and out the front door, limping slightly. She knew that the girl at the front desk noticed her limp, she was probably judging her. She made her way outside and to her car, she was exhausted and ready to be home.

Little did she know, an oblivious dark-haired man was at the store a mile away, getting stuff to make her food. He hated hotel food and wanted his beautiful mate to have the best food. He had rented an expensive room that had a regular sized refrigerator and stove. She was everything he had ever wanted and more. He couldn't wait to take her to his home. She already looked like a queen, if only she had the confidence.

His wolf was still yipping and talking to him about how happy and lucky they were to have a beautiful and sweet mate like her. He hoped she wasn't that mad that he had gone to the store, not being there to watch her wake up. He did leave the note that explained where he was and how beautiful she was.

He didn't think of the possibility that his note would fly off the bed and under the stand.

He had taken way longer than he wanted to because people recognized him and wanted pictures or wanted to talk. He felt bad for having to cut off the 12th person who started a conversation with him, but his mate was at the hotel asleep. He walked out to his car and loaded the bags in the backseat while his brown haired beauty drove away from the hotel and out of his life.

How was it? I'm kinda proud of this first chapter. Watch me never finish this book or even write past chapter 2. I suck at writing but I'm bored as hell, so why the fuck not. You know?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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