Chapter 2: A Battle to Rember

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 "Who wants to battle first?" Everyone raised their hand. Kukui sighed before telling everyone to find one pokemon to use and that I'll choose who I want to battle. I decided to battle Lana first. She smiled softly as she sent out her Popplio. I let my Fluffy battle again.

"Popplio, use Bubble Beam!" Popplio hit Fluffy yet only took away a tenth of his HP. "Fluffy, use Broken Mind!" Fluffy's eyes turned black and screamed a loud noise. Popplio whimpered before it went down to one-fourth of its HP. "Popplio, use Aqua Jet!" As a wave of water blasted at Fluffy, he quickly dodged. "Fluffy last attack! Use Corrupt!" Fluffy bit Popplio and watched its body flash black before fainting. Popplio returned to her ball as Lana stood there impressed. "Those moves are so cool! I've never seen them can you tell me about them all?" I blush softly and tell her about the moves. Well, I don't tell her because I don't know what they do. She then walked to Ash and asked for his Rotom Dex to check Fluffy's moves. Rotom flew over and scanned Fluffy. A few moves popped up on his screen.

Dream Breaker

Dark Power 100 Accuracy 100 PP 20

The Pokemon covers them in a shadow that causes an effect called Control. Control makes the pokemon attack itself or the other pokemon that's on its team in a double battle.

Broken Mind

Psychic Power 90 Accuracy 90 PP 25

A loud piercing sound comes from the pokemon. This attack has a chance of causing confusion.


Dark Power 80 Accuracy 100 PP 35

The pokemon bites the opposing pokemon and will flash black every other turn causing damage.

Unknown Hope

Fairy Power 120 Accuracy- PP 5

When the pokemon has 1 HP left this move is usable. It will change its form and attack. The user then gains half of its max HP. The form will not change until the pokemon faints or gets out of battle.

"Wow! I've never seen any other pokemon with these moves. All so powerful!" Ash yells. "Can you battle me next?" he asks. "Are you sure you can beat him? Ash is super powerful!" Mallow says. "I can no problem. He isn't gonna be so hard, right?"

"Go Pikachu!"

"Go Fluffy!"

"Use Quick Attack!"

"Use Broken Mind!"

"Use Thunderbolt!"

"Doge it and use Corrupt!"

"Pikachu are you ready to use a Z move?"

Pikachu smiles as Ash does his attack. They use a move I've never seen before. They used some ring to make the move. I've never seen this in Kalos. The attack quickly brought Fluffy's HP down to 1. They were right about how he was super strong. "Fluffy! Are you okay?" Fluffy turns back with a weak smile. I didn't know what move to use until I remembered the one move my mother told me to never use. "Fluffy use Unkown Hope!"

Fluffy's small body grew larger and changed into a wolf-like body. Its eyes grew into a dark red color. It ran at Pikachu and scratched him with large claws. Pikachu fainted a few seconds later. Fluffy ran up and jumped on top of me. He licked my face as he slowly changed back into the normal fluffy. "Good job boy!"

Everyone who was watching the battle had their eyes wide open. "I've never seen that before! That was amazing!" I was very confused. Wasn't this normal for pokemon? At first, my mother told me to never use the move Unkown Hope. When me and my older brother used to battle I try to use Unkown Hope, but mother yelled at me saying I was cheating. My brother had an Eevee and a Umbreon. Umbreon hated Fluffy so much. My brother trained him to beat Fluffy because he was jealous of my pokemon. He one time tried to steal Fluffy and evolve it with a stone.

"(Y/N), is it okay it Rotom gets some info about Fluffy? He wants to learn about all new pokemon so it would make him happy if he could." I smiled and nodded at Ash. Rotom flew at Fluffy and scanned him. Rotom's screen showed a picture of Fluffy. "Fluffy, the Psychic Dog Pokemon. A Dark and Psychic type. Not much is known about this pokemon. Only one has been found with the owner being (Y/N). Fluffy weighs 10 pounds and has a height of 1' 04"."

"So what will we do now?" I ask. "Mosty we just hang out and talk," Hau answered. I walked up to Ash and asked about his journeys. Fluffy and Pikachu played next to us as he told me his story.

Hau's P.O.V.

I sat on my desk and talked to Lana about if she would evolve her Eevee. As she talked I glanced up at (Y/N) and Ash. I say them talking and something in me wanted to stop them. I ignored the feeling until Lana left to talk to Mallow. I watched (Y/N) as she talked to Ash. I noticed how beautiful her (h/c) hair was. It shined as the sun beamed on her through the window. Her smiled shined brightly as she listened to Ash. I felt my cheeks burn up softly. As I was watching her my Vaporeon came out of his ball. He hit my face with Hydro Pump making me look down at him. He looked over at (Y/N) and smirked. I blushed more until I noticed him walking over to Fluffy.

"Va-va por-eon!" "Flu-flu fy?" Fluffy looked over at me with a confused face. "Va-va!" Vaporeon laughed and walked back to me. I pinched his cheek and glared at him. Fluffy was now sitting at (Y/N)'s feet protectively. Pikachu stared at me weirdly. "I hate you." "Va-va."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As I talked with Ash I heard a Vaporeon talking to Fluffy. After they talked I noticed three things. Fluffy was at my feet trying to protect me. Pikachu was just looking at Hau weirdly. Hau was mad at the Vaporeon. I asked Ash to hold on to the story for a minute while I ask Hau what happened. I walked over to Hau and asked if he was okay. He said he was fine, but I noticed how red his face was. "Are you sure you're okay? You look sick with your red face." "Well maybe I am sick. Can you check my temperature? I would try myself, but I have really cold hands." I smiled and placed my hand on his forehead. It wasn't on fire but was a little hotter than normal. "Your head feels a little warm. You should be fine. Talk later. Bye!" I walked away not knowing he was lying. I went back to Ash and let him finish the story.

And that's chapter 2. Hope you liked it! (You probably don't) Okay now bye now!

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