chapter 14

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Sophie pov

I get pulled away. 'He is mine' i hear Emma say. 'You clearly didnt pay attention but he just asked me to be his girlfriend' I say. George smirks. She looks at me and slaps me in my face. 'George did that harder last night on my ass' I spit back. 'Oh my' I hear Natasha say. 'Emma please we are over' George says. George takes my hand and walks away with me. 'Did you slap her ass?' Natasa says in shock. 'No no im more a butt massager' George says. 'You are so confident' I laugh. 'You make me feel confident' he says. I blush a little. 'Lets get drunk' Eleanor screams. 'Im in for that' I laugh.

'Georgie' I say drunk. He looks at me. 'Sophie' he says drunk too. He tries to walk to me. Natasha and Tony left already. 'We have to go home' I say. He places his lips on mine. 'You two need to get a room' Eleanor laughs. 'Where can we buy a room?' I whisper at George. 'Go home' Eleanor says. 'Yes master'I say and turn around. 

'Sssht' I say. George giggles. I open the door and go inside. 'Hello' Tony says. 'SSSSHHT' George says. 'Sweeties its 11 pm we are still awake' Natasha says. I look at George. We walk into the living room and sit down. 'I want a baby' I say. Natasha spits out her drink. 'Call down there lady' she says. I look at her. 'I just want a baby' I say. Tony laughs. I look at George. 'Lets make a baby' he says. 'Okay' I say and I try standing up. 'You two arent doing anything'  Natasha says a little angry. 'You are not my mum' I say. 'I know but im his mum' she says. 'He is almost 20' I say. 'You 2 arent even dating for 4 hours' she says frustrated. I sit down again. 'Great so now sober up' seh says. She gives us some water to drink. 

I wake up with a headache. 'I hate this' i say. 'GEORGE AND SOPHIE COME DOWN NOW' I hear Tony scream. We jump out and run downstairs. 'What is wrong?' George asks scared. 'Food' he says with a grin. I sit down and look at the tv. 'Liam Gallagher is not happy with his daughter new boyfriend' I read. I jump up. I see my dad on the screen. its live 'Sophie had a troubled past and im just scared that this singer is going to break her heart' he says. My mouth drops. 'A troubled past we will hear about that after the break' I take my phone and call him. 'Please dont say it im begging you please dont say it' I say with a voice crack. He says nothing. 'Dad please im serious' I say again. He just hangs up the phone. I can see it start again. 'So Sophie had a troubled past?' the interviewer asks. My dad nods. 'Sophie had a close bond with her mum. But one day her mum left and officially disowned Sophie as her child. Sophie could handle that difficult' he says. I feel everybodies eyes on me. My dad looks into the camera. 'After that it went downhill and she started doing selfharm at that point it got worse and she attempted suicide 4 times. Then she started to date someone but when they broke up it got bad again and she was admitted into the hospital. This movie role got her out of her shell and im scared that her new boyfriend will break her' he says. I drop my head in my hands and I start to cry. I feel arms around me. 'Its okay' Natasha says. 'I begged him not to say it' I cry. 'What in the world is he thinking. Like this what he just said isnt breaking you. you begged him not to say it and he still did' Tony says. 'Bring me to my house and then to the studios' I say. I look at Natasha. 'Can I move in here?. I will pay rent' I ask her. 'Ofcourse sweetie' she says. Natasha, George, Tony and me jump into the car and drive to my house. I pick up my clothing and then we drive to the studios. We walk in and I look at my dad. Something inside me just pops. 'IT WASNT YOUR RIGHT TO TELL THEM' I scream. Everybody looks at me. 'I begged you on the phone not to say it and you still did it' I cry. 'You cant think straight thats the problem. You need to see that a relationship is not healthy for you' he says. 'Im for the first time in years happy and you are ruining it for me' I say. 'You were happy with Charlie' he says.'You know I wasnt and you knew what he did' I say. 'He was a good boy' he says. 'YOU FORCED ME INTO THAT RELATIONSHIP. I DIDNT LIKE HIM AND YOU FORCED ME. IT WAS HORRIBLE' I scream. 'He is a good boy' he says again. 'HE ABUSED AND RAPED ME DAD YOU FORCED ME INTO A RELATIONSHIP WITH AN RAPIST WHICH DAD DOES THAT'. Everybody is quiet  'You should feel ashamed putting your daughter in a situation like that' Tony says angry. I feel George his arms around me. I look straight in the camera. 'The reason why Liam Gallagher doesnt like his daughters new boyfriend is because he has no control over it. The reason why Liam Gallagher doesnt like his daughters new boyfriend is because he is an selfish man who only cares about himself' I say. I walk up to him and give him the keys to the house. 'Dont call me, dont text me and dont search for contact' I spit in his face. George pulls me back. We walk outside and i start bawling my eyes out. 'You did the right thing' George whispers.

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