chapter 22

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Sophie pov

'Its christmas eve'. I turn around in the bed and place a pillow over my head. 'Its not the time for sleeping get up' George demands. 'Christmas eve cuddle?' I ask with a raspy voice. He jumps back in the bed and crawls towards me. His arms are wrapped around me. 'I have matching pj's for us' he whispers in my ear. i sit up straight. 'i knew it would excite you' he laughs. He gets out of bed and opens up te closet. He takes out the most comfy looking pyjama's. 'Oh my god'I say excited. I put the pyjama's on and George looks at me. 'My beautiful ms Santa' he says. I look at him. 'Its almost christmas' I say excited. I jump on his back and he walks downstairs. 'Goodmorning to the love birds' Tony says. 'Goodmorning to you too' I say while I jump of George his back. 'Aw they are matching'. Natasha takes out her camera and makes a picture of us. 'Please wear that tomorrow too we also have matching pyjamas' she says. 'Hmmm I dont know mum' George says. 'You are mean'I see. 'Well I will'I grin. 'So what are the plans for today?' Tony asks. 'I dont know yet but tonight is home alone time'George says excited. Natasha looks at us. 'What?' George asks. She nods outside. 'SNOW'I scream. 'You first have to eat and put on warm clothes' Natasha says. George and me shove everything in our mouths and run upstairs. 

I jump outside. Its snowing quite hard. 'I love the snow' I say. 'I can tell'George says while filming me. I trow a snowball at his head. 'Thats mean' he says. I stick out my tongue. 'There is fresh snow on the football field' Natasha says. 'The last one to arrive has to pamper the winner' George says. 'Okay'I say and run to the football field. 'I didnt say go'  I hear George yell. I arrive first. 'That is cheating' George says out of breath. 'You werent clear with the rules but I won' I grin. He pushes me in the snow. 'Hey' I say. He starts laughing. We start fighting in the snow. Natasha and Tony also arrived. 'You two are idiots' Tony says. After a while we stop and go back because we have to visit George his grandparents. 'What do I wear?' I ask him. 'You dont have to wear anything' he says with a smirk. I give him a playful smack. 'Here is my sweater my lady'  he says. I start changing in my other clothes plus George his sweater. 'Do your grandparents know I exist?' I ask him. He looks at me. 'I maybe kept it a secret' he says. 'Why?'. 'Well they arent always very happy with my girlfriends or friends'. 'How much girlfriends have they met?' I ask him. 'Only one and you also didnt like her' he says. 'Now I have stress' I say. 'Dont be scared it will be okay' he says with a little fear. 

George holds my hand while walking towards the house of his grandparents. 'Im nervous' I say. 'Dont be they will love you' Tony says. I take a deep breath in. Tony rings the doorbell. The door shoots open and Eleanor stands in the door opening. 'Hello' she says excited. She lets us in. We walk into the living room. A woman and a man look at me. 'Anna?' they say confused. 'No my name is Sophie' I say shy. 'You really look like someone we know'. 'Ive never heard that before' I say. 'Sit darling'. I sit next to George his grandma and George sits next to me. 'So you are George his girlfriend?' his grandma asks me. I nod. 'Has someone told you that you really look like Paul McCartney?' she asks. I shake my head. 'What was your name again dear'. 'Sophie. Sophie Gallagher'. Her eyes grow big. 'Whats wrong grandma' George asks her. She stands up and walks to a closet. 'Your grandad told I should give it to you if I ever saw you and I have it always with me just in case'. She comes back with a letter and a little box.  She hands it over to me. I open the letter and see a picture attached. I take the picture out. My eyes grow big. It me with my mum and my grandad. 'Is that Paul McCartney?'  George suddenly says. I look at the man. 'Oh my god'.

'Do you want to open it?' George asks me. I nod. We sit in his room. I open the letter and start reading.

Dear Sophie,

This maybe looks a little weird. It maybe feels a little weird but its me your grandad. Im sorry that I havent been there for you. I regret everything. I didnt know that your mum would ever do that to you. Its not a good excuse for years of absent. I missed all your important moments. I missed all of your childhood and Im truly sorry for that. I dont know if you want to meet me or not but I want you to know that im sorry and that I love you. And hopefully we will meet.

xx Grandad

A phone number is written on the back. I take my phone out of my pocket and type the number in. I keep my phone agains my ear and wait. 'Hello?' I hear. 'Hello this is Sophie Gallagher' I say with a shaky voice. I hear the phone on the other side drop. 'Oh my god' I hear in the distance. I hear a lot of noise. The man starts talking. 'Is it true that you are my grandad and Paul McCartney at the same time?' I floop out. 'Yeah' I hear him grin. 'Thats so crazy'. 

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