Chapter 1

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A/N- this is a little bit modern. the again idk when the last book was set. Mentions of blood (I'm sorry)

A few good months had passed. The boys were happy as they ever could be but they both felt like something was missing but didn't know how to tell one another. Spot and Race were currently hanging round with Albert in their apartment.

"Right, ise best be headin' to work. See ya, Al. Love youse, Racer." Spot said kissing Race on the head before leaving.

"Youse two are so cute." Albert said smiling. 

"shhh" Race said blushing. "Youse is cute too." Race blurted out with out even releasing what he said.

Albert just stared at Race who stared back at him. Race looked a little flustered.

"I-I errr Ise sorry. It's true though, Albie." Race said.

Race's weird and mental head suddenly connected some dots, somehow. They weren't missing something, they were missing someone. The next few seconds Race's subconscious took over and the next thing he knew he was kissing Albert. Albert was kissing Race back.

"But....Spot.." Albert said looking sad.

"We can talk to him later." Race said reassuringly. "He'll get it. Now lets watch the bee movie together."


Race just nodded and they watched the movie bee while cuddling.


Spot came home to find the two watching the bee movie together.

"Cuddling without me?" Spot said teasingly while sitting next to Albert which is where the spare seat was. 

Race paused the film.

"We need to talk, Spotty boy." Race said, Spot giving him a confused look. "For a while ise been feeling like we were missing something...somebody. Ise think that person is Albie." He said nervously.

"Ise felt like we were missing someone too." Spot said.

"Let's give it try then." Race said. "If you two are up to it.."

"Course." Spot smile.

"Are you jokin'? ise wanted this for ages." Albert smiled.

Race kissed Albert and then Spot. Spot and Albert then kissed. It was little weird for Spot kissing someone who wasn't Race but it was good. It made him happy.


Race felt as if this day was not going to come. Not him getting with Albert and Spot, he knew somehow that would happen. What he didn't think was his father would ever get out of prison. It seemed all his good behaviour made up for all the years he abused Race when it shouldn't work like that.

Race couldn't focus on anything other than that. He tried taking a shower but that made things worse. He just stood and looked at all the scars and marks his father had left on him. Next thing Race knew was his knuckles was connecting to the wall. He jumped a little and let out a whelp. He need Albert and Spot but unfortunately they were at work - like the rest of his friends were, like he should have been.

Race watched the blood slowly trickle out of his cracked knuckles before running it under cold water. That felt good. It felt like he was getting a release.

"No, No, No." Race said to himself.

Those thoughts need to go out of his head and fast. Race quickly ran to the kitchen to try and make some meal but he couldn't. He couldn't remember the ingredients or anything. Race sank to the floor crying, he leaned his head against a cabinet. Normally, Race wouldn't let himself cry over his father but this time he just let the tears fall.


Race didn't know how long he'd been sat there for but by the time his two boyfriends got home a few stray tears were still falling down his face. He heard Alberts footsteps come into the kitchen and he quickly wiped the tears from his face. Albert saw the boy and rushed to his side.

"What's the matter, sunshine." Albert smiled sweetly, pulling Race into a hug.

Soon after the words left Alberts mouth Spot and joined the two on the floor.

"Pa..." was the one thing Race could make come out of his mouth others than sobs.

"Crap...Ise forgot that was today." Spot said joining the hug Albert formed.

Race managed to stop the tears. This is all he needed right now, Spot and Albert. Albert started humming a little tune in Races ear because he knew how much he liked that.

"Everything is going to be alright." Race thought to himself.

A/N- well here's the first chapter. Much prefer this to what I had previously written.

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