~[1 - Saturday]~

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Before I begin this story, I'd like to say every four days (unless I'm busy) I'll update this story and my Ishimondo story. My Ishimondo story will be between the updates for this story. By that  I mean something like this
Day 1 - No updates
Day 2 - Komahina update
Day 3 - No updates
Day 4 - Ishimondo update

and that cycle will repeat unless I feel generous or too tired to write.

Now on with the story!

~[Hajime's Point of View]~

I awakened to the sound of a whistling kettle. Sunlight flooded into my room, making my sheets a gorgeous, soft yellowy shade. I staggered out of my bed into my house's main room.

"Ah, Hajime..~ You're awake, I see?"

...our house's main room.
He smiled very gently at me.

I'll have to admit, when the sunlight flooded into our house, it struck his hair so gorgeously. This morning it was especially fluffy, it clearly hadn't been combed or anything. He must've noticed me staring and spacing out, because he soon spoke.

"Ah.. Hajime...? Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine." I groggily muttered while yawning.

He giggled and kept making breakfast while I went to sit down. Soon the smell of the house was quite like...

"Pancakes!" I jumped up from my seat, instantly not tired anymore. Nagito's pancakes were the absolute best,
I had noted before. I sat down at the table, and watched him pour himself a glass of tea. Ah, so that's why I heard the kettle. He then poured me a glass of orange juice.

"A-AH-!!" I was grinning so much. I couldn't understand why he was being this kind.
It was just an ordinary day with no meaning, right?
Then again, Nagito is a very considerate person. He does so many things for me, despite me never being able to return the favor because he's always surprising me... if only I could get him back.

He set down a stack of fluffy, perfectly cooked pancakes right in front of me, topped with chocolate chips, syrup, and whipped cream.  I was drooling so much. He giggled once again, his kind eyes looking into mine endlessly.

I immediately starting eating them, as the chocolate chips and whipped cream were becoming melty. They were fluffy, but not so airy that they just evaporated in my mouth... not so undercooked they melted into gooey messy, but not burnt either. They were sweet, and had a hint of vanilla in them. The chocolate and whipped cream's flavors complimented eachother perfectly, and the syrup tied it all together. It truly was a wonderful meal.

I went to wash it down with orange juice, before noticing Nagito's passionate eyes still staring at me, as he rested his head on his hand. He had a very daydreamy, soft smile.
He must have noticed me looking back at him, because he immediately looked away, flustered.

"So you like them, Hajime?" he squeaked a little.

"LIKE them? These are the best fucking pancakes I've had my entire life—!!" I drooled just thinking about them again.

"A-ah.." suddenly the dreamy smile was drained from his face.

"I'm surprised something good would come from a trashy worthless person like me..."

Without giving me a moment to speak, he continued bashing himself.
"Of course I bet it's my only good quality's doing... my luck."
He stood up and started pacing our open living room.

"My damned luck. A terrible talent for a terrible person, if one could even call it that... All it brings is despair... despair to all... but despair is the stepping stool for hope, the truest good of all! I am the stepping stool for hope...! Ahahah... AHAHAHAHAH-"

"Nagito... you're scaring me..."

His hope rants were never something I understood. His eyes always seemed to endlessly fall into despair and hope at the same time...

"..ahahaha.. I can be used for true good..." he was holding himself, laughing and sweating like crazy.

...but if it made him happy, I'd understand. Not in the literal sense... the sense of understand what it means to him.

I gave him a tight reassuring hug.

"You aren't trash."


"Even if you were, then that would make me a raccoon." I joked, somehow meaning it though.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He snorted, his eyes flooded with that same beautiful light as earlier.

"Well... raccoons love trash!"

"L-love-!?" he pulled away from me, his face a little red... but let's be honest. A little red sticks out a lot on his pale skin.

"A-ah-" He glanced away, clearly flustered.

His hair moved quickly with him... the sunlight still flooding in, it was a gorgeous sight. His cheeks were rosy, and once again the sunlight and his pale skin really made this stand out. His eyes were glistening with passion, yet seemed so empty.

I kept staring at him until he turned back, realizing I'd been staring.

Our eyes remained locked for a brief moment before he smiled, and laughed.

"You're so silly, Hajime..~" He gracefully spun around to walk back and finish his tea.

I, slowly becoming drowsy again, laid back down on the couch. I heard Nagito moving about, making something in the kitchen... maybe breakfast for himself... hmhnhm.... I slowly drifted to an enjoyable sleep.

It was a Saturday after all.

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