"I've been called worse." I give him an evil smile, shoot him in the head. I holster my gun once I'm sure he's dead, picking up his knife. It's a beautifully decorated butterfly knife. Silver handle with a deep red metal I've never seen before. I hear a groan from behind me before I can examine the knife further.

I turn and see the woman I had knocked out starting to wake up. She sits up, rubbing her head. I start to walk closer, prepared to fight her off again. Her eyes open and land on the book, staring at it with an emotion I can't quite place.

"Is that?" She says out loud, but it seems more like she's asking herself. "You must be the warriors of legend. The ones that have been told to free us all from the great evil." I look at her as if she has two heads. When I get to the group, I put my hand out to Zelanna. Quickly the twins figured out I'm the leader of sorts. She hands me the book without a word. Brett instantly pulls off my bag and gives it to me, keeping his arms protectively around Keya.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but yes we're here to stop Needledrop." She looks at me in awe as I speak, fixing the straps of my bag and putting the book back into it. The green stone has stopped glowing at this point and has returned to black.

"You must come to my village!" She exclaims, rushing to her feet. "My people have waited millennia for you. They will host a celebration for you." She continues on and on. At some point I stop listening.

"I think a party would be nice." Keya says softly as Brett fusses over her. I look at the twins, my instincts telling me to trust them. That, and Star has perched himself onto Rochet's shoulder.

"You two stay, watch the ship, and get her up and running again." I tell them both. They nod before running off, Zelanna pulling her steampunk like goggles over her eyes as they get to work. I turn back to look at the red-haired woman. She's grabbed her weapon, allowing it to morph into a necklace. "Lead the way to this village of yours." She nods, taking the lead. Keya walks beside her, chatting away. I stay behind, sticking by Brett and keeping a watchful eye out.

After about an hour of walking we come across a small village of people. The light in the sky is starting to disappear. A large fire is set up in the center of the village. The warrior announces us and in no time, music is playing, and people are dancing.

"This is amazing." Keya squeals with a smile. Brett makes a whole dramatic scene of asking her to go dance with him as I sip at the drink I was given. It tastes like whiskey with chocolate in it and smells like jasmine. I just hope it is alcoholic. I need a drink after everything that's happened. I take a seat at a small table, one strap of my bag wrapped around my ankle, watching Brett and Keya dance together to the intricate music.

The people of the village play instruments I've never seen, producing sounds I've never heard. It's calming, lulling me into a bubble of safety. The night drags on, not many eventful things happening. Keya tries to drag me to dance with her, but I refuse. Dancing was something Papa and I shared, something I wanted to continue sharing with just him. It was our special thing and I haven't danced since he died.

I scan the area, taking everything in. the three of us stick out like sore thumbs compared to the natives. As I look around, I spot a flag blowing in the soft breeze. Looking closer I see a symbol, the one I've come to associate with the enemy. Calmly I stand, moving towards Keya and Brett with my bag over my shoulders. I get to them, leaning in close.

"We have to go." I tell them, subtly motioning to the flag. They both recognize the symbol, nodding as they follow me. We make our way out, leaving completely unnoticed. We walk back, chatting amongst ourselves. We're almost back to the ship when I hear someone shouting. I turn to see the red-haired woman from earlier.

"Stop where you are!" I tell her, raising my gun to her.

"Wait please." She explains breathlessly. "Please take me with you."

"You're Needledrop." Brett accuses her.

"Had I told you that I was, would you have listened to what I have to say?" She accused right back. "I don't agree with them. Needledrop took my family from me. I want them brought to justice for what they did to me." She explains. "I want to help you."

"I trust her." Keya says after a beat of silence.

"Fine." I grumble, putting my gun away. "But if you betray us, I will personally tear you limb from limb." I warn her coolly. She nods before joining us, a large smile on her face. We arrive back to the ship, chatting away again. I learned that the woman's name is Oriana and that she was one of her village's strongest warriors. When we get back the twin's smile, greeting us. Star runs over to us, jumping into my arms. I snuggle him close as he purrs into me.

Once we are standing close to the twins the green stone on the book starts to light up. 

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