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Recap-You saw someone that you never thought that you see in the rest of your life

So you walk out and try to start small talk with her

J-Well look who it is the one and only MEL JOY
MJ=Mel joy
MJ- Oh It's the queen bitch Jordyn Taylor
J-Well I see that you haven't learned your lesson from last time do I need to teach you again
MJ-No but She will oh Leilani
Leilani comes out I a wheelchair
J-I thought I bet your ass to death
L~W-w-well you didn't so yea
J-Why are you bitches here
Both of them=Bot
Bot-Just to give you a friendly visit of your past
J-So you were the one that texted me
MJ-What can I say I have my ways
J-Before I beat your ass where you end like Leilani I just want to say Leilani we were best of friends what happen you changed when we went to 7th grade
L-I didn't changed you did ever since when you got so called famous from social media you forgot about me and never wanted to hang out Jordyn I didn't change you did I loved you like you were my sister and we knew each other and me you and your brother were the 3 musketeers we have the same birthday and everything but you changed and that's when I stop trying and chasing after you so that's why You changed Not me
J-Lei I'm so deeply sorry I really am I hope you can forgive me and I really miss the old days
L-I do to and I miss you
Then your brother walks out of class to go use the restroom
M-Oh shit bitch don't touch me I have a girlfriend
MJ-I don't see her
M-Because oh here she comes
MJ-Oh really
M-Yep *walks to a random girl*Hey bbg
???-Uhm hey
M-*whispers*Go along with it and I'll pay you
M-Yea Mel here she is
???-Hey I'm hailey Orona but people call me ona
Ona-Do you have a problem
MJ-No not at all oh Mateo did you say hi to
M-No way Lei
L-Hey bro
M-Damn Lei I'm sorry
L-It's fine you know the rule
M-3 is stronger together
J-we will stand by each other side
L-For ever and ever
All 3 of you -And until we die together
MJ-I didn't come here for you to be friends again I came here to ruin your life to let the whole world here that your just a girl who lives her new life and hides from the past
J-Poor MEL JOY always think that you just can walk up in here and try to come and hunt me with my past
Everyone is outside of their class cause you were talking loud
J-That's not how it works I mean yea I made some bad choices in the past but I came here to start a new story not for some Hoe who likes my brother so yea I made so badass choices yea I fought a lot yea I beat both of your ass ALSO SORRY LEI but that doesn't give you the right to bring up my past actual why are you here cause I came for you SHISTER it would have been a lockdown just like 8th grade and freshmen year have a day only for me not to come to school because of how I beat both of your ass now if you don't want to end up worse then lei then I advise you to get the fuck out of my face
MH-I didn't come here for you
J-Oh really
MJ-I came here for Gio
J-Who the fuck is gio
*Gio walks out of the crowd*
Gio-Oh hey JT
J-No don't Hey J.T me I know I didn't tell you but damn Gio I thought that you were cute but now your just a back stabbing bitch
You run out the school and call an Uber and went home because your brother had your keys to your car so you let him keep them and no one was at home but your grandma
J-hello anyone home
A-aquí arriba mami {up here mami}
J-Soy viene {I'm coming}
J-Abuela  puedo explicoarlo {I can explain}
A-adelante{Go ahead}
You tell her the whole story
A-Mami hablamos de pelear {Mami we takled about fighting}
J-Lo sé , pero sabes donde esta mi ropa de entrenamiento { I know,but do you know where my workout clothes are}
A- en su cajón superior derecho
J-Thanks abuela
She nods and walk out then you run to your shed which is a mile away where you found when you and Dess went jogging
And started to throw axes at them until someone came running through the woods


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