Possession (Pt. 1)

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Basically it's another x reader

Reader POV

I don't know why I was here. I didn't want to come here but my boyfriends made me go with them. Where were we? A haunted, creepy, old ass building in the woods. It's not that I was scared it's just stupid and a waste of time.

All 16 of us split into groups of two. My group consists of me and Brock. Since he was scared he was close to me clinging on my arm while my arm was around him trying to make him not scared.

"Why in the hell do we have to be here it's to boring and your scared to death we're leaving." I said acting cold.

"I don't want t-to be here either t-this place scares m-me." Brock stuttered hiding in my chest. I kiss his head and hug him to calm him down.

"Come on we're leaving and if the others don't like it to bad we'll wait for them outside." I grabbed his hand gently and tried to look for the exit. It was so dark in here so I grabbed my flashlight since we couldn't take our phones with us.

I heard something behind us so I quickly turned around but nothing was there.

"Babe did you hear that?" I asked Brock getting kind of worried.

"(Y/n) s-stop trying to scare me I-I didn't hear anything." Brock trying to not be scared. He was still on my arm.

"Brock I'm being dead serious I'm not joking I think someone's watching us or they're prancing us." I answered to him truthfully.

He just hid in my arm more. I turned around and tried looking for the exit again. I still couldn't see it or any hint of it. It should have been right here! This is where we came in at.

"(Y/n)" Brock said weakly clutching to my hand and shaking I looked at his face and it was paralyzed with fear then I looked where he was looking.

There was this demon or ghost whatever it was it was terrifying neither of us could explain it. Then it lunges at us Brock let out a scream while I pushed him out of the way.

"Brock RUN!" I told him backing up from the demon. He ran and the monster thankfully kept his focus on me only. When I tried calling for help it covered my mouth.

Then it disappeared phasing through me. I started feeling like I wasn't in control of my body. Then I started moving on my own I wasn't even trying to.

'Finally, it's been millions of years since I've had a body to control. Then out of the blue sixteen at once! Foolish mortal beings, crossing my territory you will all pay!!'

I fought for control of my body as the demon started walking faster towards where Brock ran.

'No please! Don't hurt them I'll do anything you want!'

Brock POV

I ran as fast as I could. I felt bad for leaving (y/n) but I had to get help tears were running down my face as I stopped to catch my breath. Then I heard footsteps and moved to a defensive position. But it turned out to be Luke and Ryan.

I ran to them crying in Luke's chest. I heard more footsteps and more of my lovers had heard my scream. After I finished crying they started asking me questions.

"Brock what's wrong and where's (y/n)." Delirious asked seriously taking my hands. I started crying again when I heard (y/n)'s name.

"There was this thing that attacked us, he told me to run so I ran I didn't know what else to do I was so scared." I started crying more. I was absolutely terrified. Delirious pulled me into his chest while my other lovers got everyone together.

They were trying to figure out how we could get to (y/n) since he was nowhere to be found. That worried us all even more. The subs were crowded around me trying to make me calm and feel better while the doms were planning.

Then all of us heard footsteps. Out of the darkness was (y/n) but it wasn't him at the same time. He was grinning at us menacingly and his eye color had changed from (e/c) to a burning red flame.

"You foolish mortals, it's quite amusing that you think you can 'beat' me and save your friend. Sad really mortals are so full of themselves what disgusting creatures." (Y/n) or whoever was in his body said. All of us were in shock and terrified. I hid in Delirious's chest.

"Now that I have a body to possess I'm stronger then ever it was easy once, well who was it Brock? Had run off and allowed me to take over this body. So thank you mortal." He smirked while I cried hugging delirious tightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and tried to calm me down.

"Alright you fucker! No one talks to my boyfriend like that. Also you're sure as hell giving us (y/n) back." Evan yelled at the demon. The demon laughed.

"And how do you think you will get this mortal's body back and no one tells me what to do." He growled at Evan "Especially not a pathetic Human."

"Simple really, all I needed to do was distract you for a little bit." Evan smiled. The demon looked surprised at Evan's threat and looked around. When he was distracted the doms charged at the demon, wrestling (y/n)'s body to the ground before he could react.

The demon didn't go down easily he merely levitated out of their reach. Then he saw an opportunity knocking. The 'strongest' mortals of the group had left the weaker mortals unguarded. With his magic he flew over them and held them in a cage.

There was screaming and yelling then the next thing anyone knew he used his magic to knock the doms out. Then us out.

I just wanted this to stop. I wanted everyone to be okay. I wanted (y/n) back. I want to go home.

Is all I thought before blacking out.

'H U M A N' a voice called out to me in the darkness.

Cliffhanger! Holy fuck this turned out to be 1000+ words but I like where it's going so far
Part two is next!!!
Hope you enjoy
I swear it's not sans ok 👌🏻

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