Chapter Two

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‘I’ll kill him!’

This was the first thing that Harry shouted as he burst into Hermione’s hospital room. Hermione was about to drink some water, trying to freshen her parched throat since she had been crying. Her eyes were red around the edges and she quickly wiped away her tears as she heard Harry’s voice. The door had opened and rocked against the wall before shutting behind Harry as he stormed in. Hermione stared at him and saw that a few people were gasping at the appearance of Harry Potter in St Mungo’s.

It was about 6 o’clock in the evening and the sun was just sinking below as if to remind Hermione that she would suffer through another lonely night with thoughts of Fred swirling like clouds in her mind. Harry was wearing a brown shirt with white buttons going down and he wore jeans and white trainers. His hair was the usual as a piece of black hair stood up on top of his head. Hermione felt a little happier at the piece of hair sticking up, meaning that everything had changed around her but Harry was still the same. Harry threw a piece of paper down onto Hermione’s lap making her flinch suddenly and she looked up at him. Harry raised his eyebrows and she read it with scared eyes. It was the eviction notice that had ruined Hermione’s life. It stated that they had to leave their house for Draco to occupy. He must’ve found this in Fred’s apartment near all the shards of glass.

‘How did you-’ Hermione dragged her eyes away from the paper and looked up into Harry’s green and unnaturally furious eyes.

‘I went to your house and I saw that git! Malfoy! He’s emptying Fred’s apartment and he told me everything about what happened between you and Fred. The slick little git! Malfoy took your house, Fred left you and you’re in hospital and you never told me?! I had to persuade him by threats when Malfoy didn’t tell me where you were and then he finally told me and I swear I would’ve hexed him right there and then but the coward pushed me, screamed something about you being a mudblood and kicked me out of the apartment!’ Harry was extremely furious and Hermione was a little scared of him. She had obviously seen him shouting before and being sarcastic but not quite like this. Harry leaned forward and snatched the little paper into his hands before ripping it angrily and turning back to Hermione, ‘If you’ve lost this baby I swear, Fred and Malfoy... both of them will pay!’

‘Harry, my baby is fine but the Healer says I’ve not to take any stress and-’ a tear made its journey down Hermione’s face at the thought of not taking stress after everything that had happened and Harry’s eyes flashed as he threw the parchment in the bin and began to pace the room, nearly ripping out his hair as he did so. Hermione watched him and then looked down at her hands and muttered, ‘have you heard from...’

They both knew who she meant. Fred, of course. Hermione had wondered last night, as a bombardment of tears leaked down her face, how Fred was doing. He seemed pretty happy to get rid of Hermione but she wasn’t happy not to have him near her and support her. She missed him terribly but he couldn't handle responsibility and now her child has to come before Fred, Hermione thought. Harry looked up at her and rolled his eyes as though what she had said didn't make any sense to him... or it made more than perfect sense to him.

‘You still love him? After everything he’s done?’ asked Harry in a low voice but Hermione didn’t answer him. She waited for him to speak on and Harry did after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, ‘he’s at the burrow I think. Living there after he’s broken your heart. He doesn’t know you are at the hospital.’

‘He can’t take up responsibility. He needs to get on his own feet but... I still love him, Harry. I love him so much it hurts my heart to have him so far away from me,’ admitted Hermione in a whisper. She knew how Fred felt when he lost George and she hated it!

‘Listen, Hermione,’ started Harry uncomfortably but Hermione shook her head, a few hairs came loose and she tucked them behind her ear.

‘I’m really tired, Harry. I just want to sleep,’ Hermione explained and a hand went to her swelled stomach as she tried to lie back down. Harry quickly helped her and she thanked him, ‘thank you also for coming to see me. Visit me again tomorrow?’

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