Toby walked with me to the waiting room. We didn't say anything to each other. I wouldn't really know what to say in all honesty.

Connor's POV:

I walked into Riley's room and saw him staring at the ceiling.

“Ri..." I started as I walked into the room.  He remained quiet. "Dude, Riley, why did Kenzie just come to me saying she can't stay with us?"

"Wait...what?" Riley asked confused.

"She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Riley was getting even more confused.

"She told mom and dad everything. All of it, including the break up. They offered to let her stay with us for a while. She agreed. Now all the sudden she says she can't."

"Why would mom and dad offer her to stay with us after she just broke up with me?"

“RILEY! SHE BROKE UP WITH YOU BECAUSE OF LUKE. LUKE SAID IF SHE DIDN'T THEN HE'D GET YOU. SHE WAS PROTECTING YOU!” I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing. “She wanted to protect you."

“What?! But I asked her if that was it and she said no!" Riley sat up in bed some.

"Riley, she wasn't going to tell you why. Why would he still hurt you if she broke up with you?"

"Crap." he paused. "I uhh, I wouldn't let her leave after she tried breaking up with me."

"What did you do then?" I asked somewhat confused.

"Kissed her..." He mumbled. 

So that explains why he is in here. Luke thought she didn't do it.

"And I just asked her to leave..." He buried his head into his hands.

"Well guess what...the girl that loves you may be gone now." I told him straight up.

"Did you just say she loves me?" He asked with a worrisome look crossing his face.

"I did. She said it when you were asleep. I was at the door and she said she loves you."

"What the hell did I just do?" His head fell back onto the pillow. "She's gone now isn't she?"

"I don't know. I asked Toby to make sure she stays but I don't know if it worked."

"Please, see if she is still here. Please" He begged.

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