Pidge- Hiding an Illness

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Request- Hiding an Illness

Fandom- Voltron

Requested by rcrnkovi05

Fun fact, Pidge's sneeze is modeled after my best friend. She too, sounds like a newborn kitten when she sneezes.

Warnings- Talk about periods? Blood? Does that count?

"All right gang, this is a simple recon mission. We just need to figure out what kind of fire power we're up against. According The Blade, this planet is filled with POWs and some major fire power." Shiro's voice crackled over the coms of the Green Lion. "Once we know what's down there, we can make a plan to destroy the base and get the POWs to the rebels."

"Stay on the perimeter, and stay alert." Keith's voice chimed in. "We don't need a repeat of Zarfir." He said pointedly.

"Hey! Those monkeys came after me first!" Lance whined.

Pidge couldn't help but laugh, hearing Keith and Lance argue back and forth like an old married couple. Getting closer to the planet, Green was able to pick up on the bio metric readings.

"According to Green, this planet has an atmosphere almost identical to earth. So, if anybody loses their helmet again, Lance," Pidge said pointedly, interrupting his and Keith's lovers quarrel, "They shouldn't die. At least, not from the air. However, I'm showing that this planet is mostly jungle, so watch out for weird plants. Don't get eaten."

"Thank you for that helpful advice, Pidge." Keith huffed.

"Any time."

"Okay, we're nearing the planet's gravitational field. Brace for entry. When we land, don't forget to use your cloaking. If we get made, there's no way we'll be able to get back here." Keith commanded.

"When we land, Keith and Lance, you're with me. I don't need you two starting any fights today. We'll go search for the POW camp. Pidge and Hunk, you'll be on weapons recon. Find the base, figure out what tech they're packing, but don't engage. You got this?" Shiro explained.

Pidge could practically hear Keith "I work alone" Kogane, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah! Tech Bros back at it again!" Hunk said enthusiastically over the coms as Lance whined, saying something about how he didn't need a baby sitter.

"Lance, I hate to break it to you, but you and Keith do have a tendency to push eachother's buttons." Hunk pointed out.

"And that's exactly what we don't need today." Shiro said, putting on his best "I'm in charge and definitely not in a constant state of anxiety" voice. "Alright, everybody clear on the plan?"

"Yes." Everyone echoed.

Everything went quiet, Pidge could feel Green pushing against the planet's gravitational field. Even though she didn't need any help, Pidge pushed her thrusters forward just slightly.

I got this Green seemed to reassure in Pidge's mind.

"I know you do, girl." Pidge said aloud, drumming her fingers along the steering column.

Soon enough, Pidge could see the ground approaching. Just as she reached for the break, it pulled away from her hand.

"Alright, alright. Point taken." Pidge laughed and put her hands up in surrender, feeling the lion glaring at her through the mind link.

"Yeah!" Hunk high-fived Pidge as she walked down the ramp of her lion. "Tech Bros!"

"Yeah!" Pidge, being at least a foot and a half shorter than Hunk, still had to jump to reach his hand. She looked over to where Shiro was standing with Keith and Lance. Keith and Lance, in typical fashion were arguing about something. Shiro just looked like a tired dad at Disney Land.

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