“But I saw the way that you were looking at her at the party,” I say, “Do you still love her? I mean, four years is a lot.” He shakes his head and looks to the floor, “And that photo shoot, was that just another way to get close to her?” I ask.

“Kayla, I don’t even want to talk about this,” he grumbles, “This is a stupid argument and I think you’re overreacting and being paranoid.” 

I turn around in exasperation, “I’m overreacting?” I ask before letting out a laugh and storming off into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

“Yes, this is childish!" he shouts, "I don’t even know where all of this is coming from? Are you sure that it’s not your hormones?”

“Just shut the fuck up Damion!” I yell, rage boiling from inside. I furiously reopen the door, “I know exactly why I’m angry, so don’t try and make it seem as if I’m the bad one!” I scream, "And I am not being childish!

“I didn’t say that you were childish, I meant that this argument is childish!” he asserts. I slam the door shut, ignoring everything that he has to say before leaning against the door and allowing myself to sink to the floor in despair. Glistening tears begin to form in my eyes, hovering for a moment before progressively falling wetly upon my cheek, leaving wet trails as they run down my face.

I bring my knees to my stomach, only to let go as I feel discomforted with my stomach in front of me. I bury my head into my hands, tears coursing down my dampened face as a wave of emotion washes over me.  I continuingly weep into my hands as I imagine the line of other girls that Damion has used like me, why do I fall for guys so easily?  Why does Damion even like me? Rosie is miles more beautiful than me, if it wasn’t for the baby, he’d probably never give me a second chance. Rosie’s bitter words echo in my head as a single tear descends down my face, “You’re probably just another one night stand that Damion hooked up with.” Why do I even care? That’s when I realise; I’m falling in love with him.

My head slightly rises as I hear Damion slowly come and sit down at the opposite side of the door. He lets out a sigh, before softly saying, “I’m sorry Kayla, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

I sniff, wiping away a tear as I murmur, “No, it’s my fault. You’re right; I was the one that was overreacting, most of my anger probably was my hormones," I confess.

“No, I should have told you about Rosie earlier, I didn’t want you to find out like this,” he says, “I was the one that messed up.”

“You’re not the one that hurt me, she was. It’s just the way that she was putting all of these thoughts inside of my head,” I say, “It led me to be paranoid.” 

“What? Was she the one that told you all of this?” Damion asks, the pitch of his voice increasing as his temper rises. He curses under his breath before grunting, “She had no right to.”  

“Was everything she said true? I’m not just another one night stand am I?” I whimper as tears begin to reform.

He lets out a sigh, “Of course not,” he pauses, “Kayla, you know how I feel about you. I only want the best for our relationship and for the baby and if that means never talking to Rosie again, then I won’t talk to her.”  

I lean my head back against the wall as a soft smile appears on my face, “You don’t have to do that.”

“I’ll do whatever to show you that I’m serious,” he explains. I wipe my fallen tears before standing up and looking at my reflection in the mirror through my tear stained eyes. My eye makeup has run, leaving stained, black rivers along my discoloured face, so I splash the ice, cold water in my face

Ten minutes later, after leisurely removing my makeup, I finally reopen the door. Damion slightly falls backwards before hurriedly standing up, clearing his throat and straightening out his shirt as he awkwardly meets my gaze. I look up at his handsome, exhausted face and my eyes softly smile as they lock into his starling, blue eyes. The corners of my lips faintly turn upright as I say, “Your hair’s a mess,” and look at his messy, blonde hair that his fingers have stressfully driven through a million times in the last hour.

“Likewise,” he smiles as he plays with a couple of strands of my witchlike hair, leading me to chuckle. His smile fades as he looks at me seriously, “I really am sorry,” he says, his eyes deepening as they look into mine. I rest my head against his chest and he wraps his arms around me as I muffle, “I’m sorry too,” into his chest. As I close my eyes and melt into his arms, I lose focus on all of the surrounding noises. All of my worries and troubled thoughts are washed away as I feel a feeling of safety and security as he tightly holds me, yet so soft and delicate. A soft smile sprinkles across my face as he plants a soft kiss on the crown of my head.

He then let’s go and takes place of my hand, still smiling as he leads me towards the bed. To my surprise, he picks me up and gently places me on the bed and wraps me warmly under the cover, “It’s nearly two in the morning, you need some rest,” he instructs. I tenderly smile as he says, “I need to take care of my babies, both of them,” he grins. I chuckle at his cheesiness but grin in glee as he begins to take off his clothes. In full acknowledgement of the excitement that he’s causing me, he seductively unbuttons his shirt, revealing his lustful chest. He then removes his trousers, giving me a full view of his rounded ass but to my disappointment, he then puts on a pair of shorts and a blue shirt.

I sulk my lips as he turns off the lights and comes to join me in bed. He snuggles up beside me and curls his arm around my stomach, trailing his finger along it as he whispers in my ear, “Hello little baby,” I giggle as he continues, “I’m your daddy, and this beautiful lady is your mommy.” He continuingly rubs my stomach as he says, “And you’re going to be a beautiful baby boy like your mummy and daddy.”

I gasp, “What makes you think that it’s going to be a boy? It could be a girl!”

“Fine, but I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a boy!”

“Well we’ll find out in a couple of weeks,” I explain.

He sighs, “Okay then,” and kisses my neck before saying, “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” I smile.


This wasn't one of my best chapters in my opinion and I'm so sorry that it was really short. However, I hope that you enjoyed it the same, thank you for reading and please vote and comment!

Chelcia xx



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