Being King isn't all it's cracked up to be

Start from the beginning

He had seen her do this many times before. He'd even tried it himself once or twice but Sight was just not a Gift that he had been bestowed with. Finally, her eyes snapped open, a twinkle glimmered for a moment until she let out a small breath. 

"Hermes is amongst gamblers and liars. In a world where time ceases to exist and the sunlight is restricted to the desert outside." She tapped her fingers against her wrist, clearly using a skill she hadn't for a long time. "Once you see the Big Top, you'll know you're in the right place." 

He was at a Casino. Las Vegas. Circus Themed. 

"You have been very helpful, Hera." He held his hand out for her to take. She regarded it carefully before catching his eye once more. "Let me help you." She extended her hand and Zeus grabbed it forcefully. He tugged her towards him, into a sturdy embrace as he clasped her hand in one of his and encompassed her waist with his free arm. They swayed lightly to the sounds of the sea crashing outside and to the rain that was just starting to fall against the roof. "Relax Hera. This won't work properly if you don't relax. Just clear your mind and think about what you want from this, the positives that this transaction will bestow upon you." 

He could feel the golden ebbing starting to spindle away from her fingers, entwining them together. His fingertips were starting to burn and ache as he held Hera a little tighter against him to balance it out. His heart was thundering in his chest with enough force that he was sure it was about to make an appearance at any moment. Then all of a sudden, the pain in his fingers stopped and it was restricted entirely to his chest. Hera pulled back, bent over and breathing deeply on the floor. 

Reaching into his inside pocket, Zeus removed the vial that he had packed earlier. Placing his finger against the edge of the glass container, he allowed the golden material to slip from his fingers and into it. Once it hit the bottom of the glass, it transformed into a liquid that glistened and glittered as Zeus twirled the bottle before pocketing it. 

"I don't feel any different," Hera spoke, straightening herself up and running a hand through her dark locks. Zeus took a step towards her and took her hand once more. Pressing down against her thumb, he pressed his nail firmly enough into it to lightly graze her skin. "Ow." She breathed as a red spot no larger than a black dot on a ladybird appeared. She looked at it in amazement, spinning her thumb before her eyes. 

"You are different, Hera and yet you're exactly the same as you have always been." He smiled, placing his hands into his pockets. "Look after yourself. If you need me, call me - you know how." 

He turned on his heel and was about to leave when Hera spoke his name. He paused before deciding to humour her. 

"I just wanted to ask you something," She spoke, still looking down at her hand in wonder. "How did you know about Tomas?" Zeus smiled, running a hand through his hair before catching her with one of his trademark stares. 

"I didn't know about 'Tomas'," Zeus corrected her as she eyed him with a dark glare. He pointed to the corner of the room lazily, dropping his arm as soon as her eyes followed his direction. "I made an educated guess based on those pants over there." He turned his nose up immediately. "No one who has lived more than one lifetime would be seen dead in such heinous fashion..." 

Hera burst out laughing, tucking her hair behind her ear as she nodded, somewhat in agreement with what he had said. "Thank you." She mouthed. He nodded at her before he walked out of her door and walked back into Olympus. 

No Hera, thank you.  

He shrugged out of his suit jacket and held the vial of Ichor safely between his palms. Placing it lightly on the shelf, he took a moment to contemplate his recent accomplishments. 

Demeter was on the left and Hestia on the right. 

Demeter was more than happy to hand over her immortality. Her life had become torture, her existence even more so. Once she was mortal, Zeus had quickly departed not wanting to witness whatever it was Demeter decided to do with herself. 

Hestia was far from simple. She fought and she lost. She was no longer useful to Zeus' vision and she had to go one way or the other. She chose the other. Zeus hadn't wanted her to die but she forced his hand. 


He hated sand. 

He hated the desert. 

But above all, he hated stifling heat. 

His next step was clear in his head. 

Find Hermes and bring him back on side. 

Hopefully, he wouldn't choose to be difficult...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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