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Alec woke up to the smell of butter and honey. Sliding out of bed, he let the smell guide him until he was awake enough to open his eyes properly.

"Alec!" Magnus gave him a quick kiss. "I'm making pancakes!"

Alec nodded. Magnus' cooking was a lot like Isabelle's, but he usually used magic to make it better.

"Without magic!"

Alec's stomach plummeted at the idea of eating Magnus' un-magicked food.

"Uh, maybe- I can help you, what about you just take a break-"

"No, no, Alec. I'm making something special for you today! Just me, no magic." Magnus grinned. "How hard can it be?"


Magnus waved his hand. "How about you go take a shower. They should be done by the time you're finished."

Alec swallowed. "Okay."

After showering, Alec made his way to their room and dressed. How would he get out of this one? It couldn't be that bad, could it? He'd survived Isabelle's food before.

Alec just hoped he didn't use glitter.

"Uh, Alec, how do you stop the glitter from burning?" A voice came from the kitchen. Alec sighed.

He rushed to the kitchen, but a second too late, as fire was already starting to consume the pancakes. He grabbed a nearby cup of cold tea and tried to put out the fire, but it wasn't enough.

Magnus was holding a full bowl of water, torn between being safe and saving Alec's breakfast. Alec grabbed the bowl out of his hands and put of the fire. They both stared at each-other for a moment then started laughing. Soon they were clutching their stomachs with tears running down their eyes. Alec imagined they looked like baboons.

After they had recovered and eaten toast made by Alec, his phone rang. It was Jace.



"Simon can't throw a knife! We need to teach him!"


"I'm training Clary and Simon, and Simon can't throw a knife!"

Alec laughed at his brother's shock. He didn't seem to believe that anyone could not be able to throw a knife.

"Okay. I'll be there in five."

Alec laughed again.

"What?" Magnus asked.

"Jace needs help training Simon to throw a knife. He made it sound as if he were dying."

Magnus raised an eyebrow. "You have to help him?"

"Yeah. I'll be back soon." Alec kissed Magnus, then left the apartment to help Jace with his Simon emergency.

An hour later, he returned to find Magnus flipping through a book. Alec looked closer and saw that there were no sentences, only names.

"What's this?" He asked Magnus.

"List of unwanted Shadowhunter and Warlock children." He showed Alec the title page: Shadowhunters and Downworlders, Adoption.

Alec sat down next to Magnus. "Think we might adopt?"


They stayed together like that; sipping tea and looking for their future child.

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