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It had always been amazing to look at — the Universe. Rhea found it astonishing.

She would often go to an isolated part of the ship, to sat down, eat some snacks, question life and just stare at that beautiful void. That void that is the home of thousands of beings, just like it is for her.

So there she is, in her isolated spot, thinking about their last mission as The Black Order — oh, what a stupid name, she rolls her eyes. Usually their missions were just stealing some stuff from a random enemy. Sometimes, when it was a little bit more 'extreme', her father would send them to destroy enemy ships, and when it was extreme for real, they would be sent to kill enemies. You know, the usual. Do her father's dirty work... no. That thing, it is not her father. Do Thanos' dirty work. Well, it was usually Nebula or Proxima the ones contaminating their hands with more and more red, although Rhea had some red too.

It's better not to think about that. So she focus her eyes on the other side of the Universe that could be seen from the ship's window, when a weird figure catches her attention. She stands up, dropping her snacks, trying to get a better look of the figure.

"What... is that?" She asks to herself in a quiet whisper. "Huh," she turns around and walks trough her home until she reaches one of the many gates of its. She grabs an Air-Bubble-Thingy (No, Rhea didn't know its name), and presses the button to open the first door. Once it closed, she opens the second one, with her Air-Bubble-Thingy on, of course. She focuses on the figure, that wasn't actually that far away. From where she's standing, she can clearly see its human-like. So she makes them levitate towards her.

When the figure reaches her side, she hums. Apparently, the being is a he. She closes the second door, takes the bubble off her face and puts it aside, where the man was laying down, unconscious. She crouches, letting her knees touch the floor, and analyzes his features. He has some cuts, one on his left eyebrow and one on his left cheekbone. Another one on his upper lip. He has some scratches too, and Rhea assumes he had gotten into a fight recently. Huh.

The titan knows she isn't supposed to do this, but she was so curious. The man looks so different from anything she has ever seen before... screw it. Rhea closes her eyes and slowly places her hand on the side of his face, immediately feeling how cold he is. A gasp leaves her lips when she's shown of the events of the last hours of the man's life.

First there is an old man with a patch on his eye. Then there's he, the man, but he looks angry, and blue and has red eyes. There's a blonde man now, he keeps calling him brother. They're holding hands, because he's about to fall from a bridge... he let go. She opens her eyes, pulling her hand apart from him. She looks at him, breathing irregularly. Who is this man? She sighs, now thinking about her father, how he probably would be mad at her, and that he would most likely punish her for rescuing the stranger... but she didn't care. So she forms a small energy ball on her right hand, and just after she had analyzed him from head to toes one last time, she hit him, waking him up with a loud gasp.

"Shhh!" She immediately puts her finger on his lips. He frowns, and now he's the one analyzing her.

"Where am I?" He questions, putting Rhea's finger away, slowly, and looking around him in confusion. "What realm is this?" He raises an eyebrow towards her, sitting down. Rhea raises her eyebrow in return. Who says realm?

"Uh, space." She answers, shrugging.

"But where?" The man insists.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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