Chapter 2 - Oh dear my mother was here

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*** I hope you're enjoying it so far! I like a love story with a slow burn so don't expect my characters to fall in love by chapter 5. It's not gunna happen. Chapter 6 maybe.... Nah, see if you can guess for now who Saylor is gunna share a ship name with!***


On the second of January one of the worst lightning storms the Sunshine Coast had seen in years ripped its way across the sky turning day into night. It didn't bother me. I was indoors, in my very own hospital bed, trying to ignore the dull ache that had crept to every single cell in my body. When I was in school there was this meme going around that exam time was like riding a bike, but the bike is on fire and you're on fire and the whole world is on fire. This kind of felt like that if the fire wasn't burning and more like being slowly squashed with a meat grinder.

Not my best analogy I know but I did have a current brain injury.

I had a severe concussion, a split lip, three chipped teeth, a sprained ankle, a sprained wrist, a dislocated knee, two broken ribs and a gash on my head that went from my eyebrow and halfway along my head, behind my ear.

Thankfully they hadn't shaved much of my head at all for the stitches. Unthankfully the scar split my eyebrow in half and the back half was completely missing. If I thought my eyebrows were woefully disproportionate to each other before then boy was I in for a rough few weeks until they grew back.

Also unfortunately there had been blood all over the clothes I was wearing so they had been thrown out and I'd been given a hospital gown, one with a front and a back, thank god. I had left my phone, which was flat at the time I'd left Jack yesterday, in his room and because I've never been without it before the only two numbers I remembered were for my childhood home and Jack's mum's house. Nobody would be answering in either as I left my house years ago and Jack's mum was on a cruise to Vanuatu.

This left me in a predicament. I wasn't allowed to discharge myself until I passed all my tests and filled out all my paperwork, paperwork which I needed cards and ID for. Stuff that was either in my car-speaking of my car, it probably had about a hundred parking tickets on it by now- in the lot or in my wallet in Jack's room.

By the time I convinced a nurse to push me to Jack's room it was mid-afternoon and shock horror, he'd been discharged that morning. How is it that someone on Chemotherapy can discharge themselves but I can't?

By 4 pm I was getting shitty. I bribed a nurse to let me borrow her phone and tried to log into my Facebook only I couldn't remember my password because surprise, surprise, my phone automatically remembers passwords for me as well.

That's when I was approached by somebody who clearly knew their way around a smile which was unnerving because stereotypically people in the security industry are not friendly individuals. This guy though, he was handsome in the simplest way, where his smile was so broad it seemed his whole face, right down to his grey eyes were just happy. This of course sent me into a mild panic because good lord what could a friendly, attractive guy want with me? More importantly what did a guy on security detail want with me?

Perhaps I was being thrown in the hospital jail cell, like the one they have on cruise ships because my car had been in a four-hour park for so many days. Maybe I was one of those "difficult" patients and they were coming to strap me to my bed until somebody came for me, after all, they all think I started some crazy riot.

The closer the guy got the more I was sure there was absolutely no good reason he would be coming towards me so I turned the chair and tried to wheel away somewhere with more people.

I turned the chair and right behind me was a short lady with the sharpest cut long bob I have ever seen. I nearly jumped six feet into the air in shock that a.) she was so close and b.) she kind of really looked like the love child of Edna from the Incredibles and Kourtney Kardashian.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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