Heard{Chapter XXXI}

Start from the beginning

He tried to apologize after that situation happened but I wasn't for it. When I met Carter I didn't know how my life could completely change.

She was a pro basketball player and I met her at a restaurant, we hit it off then and there.

Since then we've been date. We weren't married yet but I was looking forward to it.

"So when you leaving?" She asked me

"Well damn you trying to get rid of me already" I said

"Nah I was just asking" she stated

"Well I'm about to leave soon, I just have to get ready first. I know they sick of my ass always being late" I replied

"Exactly your ass always late no matter where you going" she said

"Leave me alone, I know that I can never be on time that's why I need to go get dressed right now" I replied

Kamora Gray
Kj and I moved in together and I gave birth to baby girl twins named Kiara and Kaira.

Kj married me and honestly I didn't think I could be this happy in life ever.

I wrote and published a book called "living with the enemy" and honestly it was a hit.

Writing about my past experience with Jalen interest so many and it also helped them.

"KJ GIVE KAIRA A BATH" I shouted out from downstairs

"Come on mannnn she shitted everywhere!" He replied

"That's the point give her a bath and don't wake up my baby. I need to get ready for the meet up" I stated

"Alright bruh I'll give her a b-" he started to say but was interrupted by Kiara's cry

"Damnit Kj, you always fucking up" I sighed and said

I went upstairs to rock Kiara back to sleep because I needed to go.

"She went back to sleep?" He asked me as I walked into the bathroom

"Yeah she fell back to sleep so don't wake her up. I pre prepped bottles and they're in the fridge so don't worry about making any" I replied

"Alright cool so I guess it's just Kaira and me because Kiara is always sleep. I love you though and have fun" he told me

"I love you, call me if you need anything" I said as I kissed him on the cheek

Life was beautiful after going through so much. Life was finally looking good for me.

On my way to the restaurant for brunch with my friends I didn't know how I'll react it's been months since I've seen them. We all had our lives individually that we had to deal with.

It was no bad blood, tension or hostility we just barely saw each other like that. With us having our families and spouses, life was a little more complex compared to when we were single.

Our adult lives changed just a little bit, we were no longer young adults finding ourselves in this life of sin.

Life was refreshed and looked at completely different. All of us had changed just a little bit. All of us were adapting in our new lives. Just trying to be the best us.

After I had baby Kendall for May, Kj and I got away.

He took me on a trip to Paris to clear my mind and basically it worked and let's just say that that's where the twins were made.

After our return from Paris my family had reached out to me trying to make amends. I was no longer upset about the situation. I realized that life was super short and you never knew when it'll be over.

I forgave them and we patched up our relationship and made up for lost times. They were also apart of my life way more frequently.

We visited each other, rather we were in Canada or my parents and auntie were in New York. I cherished my family even more because at the end of the day I could've been killed.

As far as Kj, he did a lot for me. He was with me even when I was at my lowest. I loved him for that because not everyday you meet someone as solid as him.

Marrying him was the best thing I ever did for myself aside from having the twins. He made me the happiest women that I could ever be.

I pulled up to the restaurant where I was meeting up with my friends. We were having brunch together, I was both anxious and scared.

I walked up and told the host that I was here for a reservation for 4 and he told me to go out back.

When I walked outside, I saw them sitting at the table talking to one another.

"Hey guys, long time no see!" I said excited

"Oh my gosh hey babes! You done got thick on us and shit!" Jp replied

"Right, no more skinny Kamora" Yanaí said

"Right!" May added

"Well I just had the twins so I guess I gained a little weight but how y'all been?" I asked

"We doing good, Amir been driving me crazy but I'm happy" Yanaí said

"That's good how old is he? Like 4 or 5? Right?" I asked

"Yeah he's 5, and bad as hell" she stated

"Well that's good, how is Kendall? And what about you Jp?" I asked

"Well I'm married now and I have 2 kids" he replied

"Aw boys or girls?" I asked

"Girl and a boy" he said

"Oh okay that's great, you guys adopted?" I asked him

"Yeah we adopted because I wasn't about to pay for that surrogate shit" he stated

"I hear you it is a expensive process" I said

"I would definitely know that but Kendall is okay, he's the joy of my world" May said

"That's so sweet I'm glad you're happy" I told her

That day ended with us just catching up with one another. We were all going through something at one point in our lives but we made it.

It was something special to be here today all because I don't think none of us thought that we'll be in the positions we were in.

Some of us had doubt, insecurities and even became hopeless at one point. We made it though. Each of our paths were complex and slight different but they all had one thing in common...change.

We all changed and adjusted for the better. I bet our younger selves would be super proud and surprised of who were today.

Once upon of time,  I wanted my life to be a cliche movie but now I realized that life isn't always like a fairytale. Life is what you make it, life is a wild roller coaster ride and life is complex.

The end

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