"I grabbed about an hour in the cooler at work and then got a few hours when I got home this morning. How did the blind date go?" Austin said as he devoured the doughnut in two bites.

Lexi sighed and took a bite of her own doughnut and closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

"I know that face; that is a smile that normally means that only a maple bacon doughnut makes you happy, so what happened?" Austin asked as Annie walked into the kitchen.

"She hit it off with Nick last night. He seemed like a really nice guy, and I think she wants to see him again. Ooh Auntie Bee's" the blonde said as she kissed her boyfriend good morning.

"Annie!" Lexi exclaimed knowing that her friend meant well, but also wished that her best friend would have kept her feelings to herself.

Annie shook her head and walked over to the counter to grab a coffee and a huge chocolate crawler.

"What? It was obvious that you liked him. All of us could see it" the blonde said with an innocent look on her face.

"Okay, maybe you have a point, but we all know that set ups never work... present company excluded" Lexi replied, she had been the one who had introduced Austin and Annie to each other after realizing that Austin made a great friend, but not a great boyfriend.

"Well, did you get any weird vibes from him or anything like that?" Austin asked, the cop in him coming out in full force.

"No, nothing like that, actually he seemed really nice, genuine. We talked like we had known each other forever and he made me laugh. It felt good, I felt as if we had more in common after talking to him than I ever did with Justin, even after only a few minutes" Lexi answered.

"Well Lex, would seeing him again be such a bad thing? I mean, you haven't been out with anyone in a while, not since that guy who worked for the M.E's office. So maybe give him a shot, and see how it goes" Annie suggested with a smile.

"Okay, I will consider seeing him again, he really did seem like a nice guy, but do not tell Amanda. You know how she loves to gloat" Lexi said as her phone went off.

Lexi looked down and smiled when she saw that the text was from her brother-in law, Matt, but her smile faded when she read the message.

"Hey Lex, your mom wants all of us to meet for brunch tomorrow, I apologize in advance, it was not my idea" it said.

"What's up?" Annie asked.

"Momma wants all of us to have Brunch tomorrow, my guess is that she and Lisa are up to something, which would explain why Matt is saying that it is not his fault" Lexi said.

"Maybe she wants to start planning the fundraiser for the WOF, you know she loves throwing a party" Annie said raising her eyebrows.

"Probably, that party is the Widows and Orphans Fund's biggest fundraiser of the year, but I know my sister. She wants me to find a man and she is not above getting Momma to help her do just that" Lexi replied.

"Well, don't worry about it for now, sit down and have another doughnut. Then we need to go and do some serious shoe shopping" Annie giggled as she set another doughnut on a plate and pushed it in front of her best friend with a sly smile.

Nick groaned as he tried to focus on the research that he was doing but his mind kept wandering to the events of the night before. He couldn't get Lexi out of his mind. He knew that he was supposed to be doing research for Jeremy, his father's best friend, and his Alpha. Jeremy had asked him to look into some mutt attacks that had happened near Long Island, but so far he'd come up empty. Best he could tell, the attacks only happened once a month.

Finally, Nick shut the laptop and let his mind wander back to Lexi, he knew that he should have gotten her number or something before she had left with her friends, but he hadn't been thinking clearly at the time. The least he could have done was get the name of the place where she sent her dry cleaning. Instantly an image came to his mind of her in his office taking off her dress and wearing one of his shirts. He almost chuckled at the thought of how the shirt would have looked on her tiny frame. He thought of how it would feel to touch her. Would her skin feel as soft as he imagined it? Nick had been with his share of women, short, tall, tiny, he was equal opportunity, but something about Lexi was different...special... he just couldn't figure out what it was.

"Nick? Nick are you here?" a voice asked as he heard the sound of high heels clicking across the floor.

Nick looked up and saw Amanda staring at him, eyebrows raised.

"Hey, Amanda, what are you doing here on a Saturday?" he asked knowing that she didn't normally just pop in without a reason.

"I just came to see if you had a list of improvements that need to be made on the Manhattan club, I want to take a look at it before I see Lexi this afternoon, her brother –in- law is a contractor and he might be able to help with the job before the next set of inspections" she answered crossing her arms.

"Was that why you wanted the two of us to meet so badly, so that she could convince her brother- in- law to help us out?" Nick asked curiously.

"No. I wanted the two of you to meet because she is one of my best friends and she has the right to find a nice guy, you are a good guy, and I think you would be good for her or maybe that she will be good for you" Amanda replied.

"Ah, okay, so since you think that we would be so good for each other, wanna tell me where she sends her dry cleaning so that I can make good on my offer from last night?" Nick smirked.

"You know you could just call her and ask her. I have her number right here," Amanda answered with a grin.

"Come on, Amanda, I am doing something nice for her, besides, I have a plan of my own, so where does she send her dry cleaning?" he asked again.

"She sends it to the Wilson's over on E. Street, now if you excuse me, I have to meet the woman in question for lunch and shoe shopping" she replied as she walked away, her high heels clicking as she went.

Nick shook his head with a grin and opened his laptop again. He did a search for the dry cleaners that Amanda had said and found the number easily. He called and asked if someone had brought in a green and black dress for cleaning. Once he had the answer he wanted, he gave the person his credit card number and asked the cleaning be charged to his account along with a note to be delivered when Lexi went to pick up the dry cleaning. Now all he had to do was wait for her to come to him.

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