Chapter 1

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"Mommy, please don't go!" three year old Alexandra Carson screamed as her mom sat her in the closet and went to shut the door.

"Kitten, it will be okay. I will be right back. Stay here, baby." Haley Carson said as the thunderstorm raged outside.

"Mommy, I scared! Don't leave me," the little girl sobbed as she grabbed on to her mom's leg.

"Lexi, sweetie, I promise, I will be right back." her mom said. She kissed her forehead and shut the door softly.

It felt like forever as the storm continued to rage. The little girl slowly opened the closet and walked out even though her mommy had told her to stay there. Every clap of thunder and lightning made her jump as she walked into the living room and saw her mom lying on the floor.

"Mommy? Mommy!" she called as she ran over to her as fast as her little legs could carry her.

"Mommy, please wake up!" she shouted.

Suddenly Lexi heard a noise behind her; she turned and looked towards the open window where a pair of glowing eyes stared back at her. She cried out softly and tried to run but it felt as if her tiny feet were glued to the floor as the room went dark and she screamed.

Lexi bolted upright in bed, heart pounding as her room tilted slightly from her panic. Damn nightmare, she thought as she clenched her fists and took in deep breaths, letting them out slowly to calm herself. The nightmares were always the same, intense, terrifying, vivid. As if she were reliving her mother's unsolved murder each and every time. She always felt the killer, his presence in her dream. As much as she longed to see his face to finally solve that mystery she always woke up. Sometimes, he managed to see eyes in the darkness. Letting out a sigh, she glanced at the clock, grumbling at the early hour.

"I might as well get up, no chance of getting back to sleep now," she said to herself and she made her way out of bed.

She walked into the kitchen of her small apartment and started a pot of coffee before walking over to the shelf that held her cookbooks, and pulling out an old file.

She sat down at the table, setting the folder in front of her. She was grateful that her Pops had made copies of some of the things that had been released to the public, along with the things she had been able to find on the internet. She'd spent countless hours poring through every piece of evidence to the point that she'd practically memorized everything. And yet, there were no answers. Someone had brutally murdered her mother, and he was never caught.

She sighed as she glanced at one of the pictures of her mom, one of the last ones that had been taken shortly before her death. She was smiling and Lexi had to fight back tears every time she looked at it. She was pulled from her thoughts as her phone rang. She picked it up and answered without looking at the caller ID, knowing that only one person would be calling this early.

"Hi, Pops. Couldn't sleep either?" she said in way of a greeting.

"Hey, Lex. Nope, your mom snores like a freight train" Noah Kennedy replied making his youngest daughter roll her eyes.

"No, she doesn't, that's you," Lexi retorted.

"Ah, I guess you're right on that one, Lex. Are you looking at those files again?" he asked knowing that it was something that she often did when she couldn't sleep. Over the years, he had learned that it was a force of habit with her and even though it concerned him, he knew better than to say anything, his youngest daughter had the tendency to shut down if she was being pushed too far.

"Yeah, and no. I haven't found anything new, but then again, that never changes." She sighed before closing the file.

"We will catch whoever killed her. I promise, Lex, I haven't given up. You're still the best eyes and ears I got on this one. So, I still need ya on the case," he said in a tone that made Lexi believe him, despite the disappointment that had seeped into his voice. They had had this conversation many times before. He believed that she had caught a glimpse of the killer, but it was locked inside her head and had been ever since that night.

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