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Jack ran to Alex when he saw him enter the apartment, the human could barely stand. "What's wrong?" Jack asked.

"I think I'm coming down with something," Alex replied, leaning against the wall as he struggled with his shoes.

Jack picked him up and carried him to their bed. There he removed Alex's clothing and tucked him in. Alex tried to protest, but he couldn't muster the strength to even hint that he wasn't in that bad a shape. Jack kissed him and told him to rest while he prepared something to help him fight what ever he'd caught.

A few minutes later he was back with a broth reinforced with protein additives, immune boosters and a mild pain killer. Alex drank it slowly while Jack disrobed and joined him. Alex placed the empty cup on the nightstand and curled up against Jack, within moments he was asleep.

The next morning Tristan was up early. Alex had barely stirred when he got out of bed. He took the human's ID card and connected it to the computer to add the command lines it needed. When it was ready he ate, and then got dressed in a human style business suit.

"Why are you dressing up?" Alex asked weakly as Tristan adjusted the tie.

Jack turned and went to kneel next to the bed. "There was a message from Glacomel on the system, they want me to come in today. I'm guessing they made a decision."

Alex placed a hand on Jack's cheek. "They'd be idiots not to hire you."

Jack took the hand in his and kissed the palm. "Thanks, I don't know how long I'll be so I want you to just stay in bed and rest. Don't worry about your company, I sent them a message to tell them you were sick." He kisses him tenderly, "I'll nurse you back to health when I get back."

"I'll be waiting." Alex told him.

With reluctance Jack let go of Alex's hand and stood. He smiled at him before turning and leaving the room. Tristan made sure he had Alex's ID card before heading out.

* * * * *

Tristan swiped the card and placed his hand on the scanner at the entrance gate to the company. The guard stationed there barely looked up at him as the system processed the information and gave him the green light. Complacency was one of the humans' biggest flaws. If nothing had happened while they were in alert status, they couldn't imagine anything happening now that it had passed.

The program Tristan had triggered with the card swipe was simple, it told the system that what ever information it had just received was correct for Alex's ID. It also activated another program that would let the ID unlock one other door.

Moving about the company was simple, all he had to do was act like he belonged where he was going, and no one gave him a second glance. When he reached the door leading to the company mainframe, he swiped the ID and it opened for him.

There was no one in the room. Other than to do maintenance, no one had reasons to come here. He sat at the console and plugged in the data card. He couldn't tarry, he still only had a short amount of time before his presence would be noticed. While the program activated he started digging through the system's database, looking for anything that could help him. He didn't expect to find what he needed here, but he wasn't about to let the opportunity pass.

It was less than five minutes before the door opened and armed security filled the room.

"Get away from the terminal," the closest one said, indicating with his gun where he should go. The twelve humans crowding the room were armed with Similik stunners, not lethal, but certainly painful. Tristan stood and moved as instructed, keeping his hands visible. All the guns remained pointed at him while he moved. One of the men reached for the protruding data card.

Tristan (Tristan book 1) (Draft 1)Where stories live. Discover now