Mom's eyebrow twitched.

"You've gain a lot of weight." She said.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about!! This is just my muffin top which everyone has, thank you very much!" I said, offended.

"Really? I mean, considering you like to sneak to her house, you must be having a good time eating some good food." She said as I squished my tummy.

"Uuuhhhh, you're not wrong about that tho...." I said. "But it's mainly sweets."

After finishing my homework, I fell asleep for the rest of the day until night came.

(Rin's POV)

I stood by the balconey again. This time there was little breezes. I could remember inside the diary at the Edelweiss mansion in Austria, there labeled a name inside. Annaliese Sophia Edelweiss, 1878. She was only 17 too, two years my age. I began to realize that I've ended up following the same path as her--full of misery, ignorant parents, sympathy and longing.

But then, she ran away with her lover in fear that she would end up like Juliet from the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet that she saw with her parents as a young girl. I too grew a fear that I would too, which I didn't want to.

It would be much better to just run away like Cinderella did at the ball...... how I did in that dream I had.

The maids and servants behind me left me food again before they left. Just before they promised to keep a secret when I sneaked to go to the forest to feed the ducks out of boredom and accepted to teach me how to properly grow a poppy when they weren't allowed to. They already spoil me so much, I owe them so much. I don't think money could express how I'm so grateful.

I do remember Annaliese too was very close with her maids and servants. She didn't like it when anyone talked to them in any wrong way or ordered them around so harshly. I wouldn't like it, who does? 

Annaliese chose her lover over her family. My family never had care for any of my feelings. It was always business first. So perhaps, I should do the same if it made her live so happily.

Even though, I'll be leaving Margaret and my lovely staffs.

And hurt Sakine-San's poor heart.

But the burden was because of my parents and this family passing curse that I could no longer bare it anymore.

It feels like I'm in the situation of Adam and Eve, a snake is making you choose to whether to eat the apple from the tree and cause the world to turn into how it is today or not to and be in peace. 

Annaliese has her jewel.

And I have my apple.

But as Len said, I shan't have to worry about this. And just let my heart do it.

But my head says no and I have to follow my duty!

Perhaps it's because,  I was made to believe that way that our family was the first priority.

Yes, that must be why and I shouldn't ever have to think about it anymore!

"Psst, Rin!" 

I looked down and saw Len from down below. I smiled as he climbed his way up and hugged me. "Hey, I saw you frowning when I was coming. Are you okay?" He asked. 

Romeo and Cinderella -RinXLen Ver.Where stories live. Discover now