Leaky Eye Luca's problem with protection money

Start from the beginning

Luca: "Giorna? (Y/N)?"

Young man: " I-It's true! Those 2 kids have been working together for the past 3 months, and they've been making a fortune lately!"

Luca starred at the airport, wondering what to do at the revelation in this information.

Luca: "I guess I'll take care of them later..."

For the last time, without warning, Luca quickly brought his shovel down on the young man's face, effectively ending his life.

[Scene change]

On another part of the airport, 2 security guards were chasing down a turquoise colored car, that just recently parked.

Guard 1: "Hey! You can't run your business here without a license!"

Guard 2: "You gotta go somewhere else!"

Inside the vehicle, was sitting 2 figures. On the passenger seat was sitting (Y/N) and Giorna sat on the driver's seat.

Giorna stepped out of the vehicle and looked in the direction of the two security guards.

Giorna: "Buon giorno! Now there's no need to get violent is there? How about we talk about this somewhere else. Ti suona bene, guardia?"

Both of the security guards looked at each other with smiles on their faces knowing that they were about to receive compensation in exchange for their ignorance.

Giorna and both officers walked away to the airport's front gates to continue their talk, leaving (Y/N) alone in the car.

(Y/N) wasn't being ignored, this was his role. To stay behind and wait until Giorna came back with an unsuspecting victim si he could play his part, should he be needed.

[Scene change]

A short, Japanese young man exited the airport's arrival section, wheeling around his luggage on the floor with his hand.

Due to the long flight he had taken from Japan to Italy, the first thing he did was stretching his arms and legs.

???: *Yawn* That sure was long flight, but I'm glad it's over. Now then, it's time to get to work."

He took out a picture of a black haired girl from his pocket and looked at it.

He remembered exactly the purpose of his visit to this country upon seeing it.

???: 'Jotaro-san asked me to bring back a sample of this girl's DNA. It could be blood, spit, sweat, even a small piece of dead skin. What did he say her name was... Shiobana Haruna? What an unusual name... But of course, I'm still going to have a little time to myself now that I'm in Italy!' He thought as he remembered why he was here. 'But I should drop my luggage at the hotel so I can get more comfortable.'

The young Japanese tourist walked through the airport's front gates.

???: "Let's see, where's the taxi pickup?" He asked himself.

His attention was then brought to 2 security guards who were crowding around a girl with blonde hair in a pink outfit.

Guard 1: "Whoa! That's amazing!"

Guard 2: "I know right! This shouldn't be possible!"

Both guards were staring at the girl's ear.
Confused, the Japanese tourist looked at the girl and he saw that she was stuffing her right eat inside her head.

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