Chapter 4 - Voyage Preparations

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Dedicated to my newest follower: SmartGirl1 and TheNarnianWarrior( I will dicate to the next one but I wanted to mention you cause techincally both chapters are dedicated to the both of you)

Thank you to you two for all the comments and votes! Knowing there are readers out there who are loving this is just an awesome feeling! Thank you for the continued support!

Anyway here is Chapter 4. Read. Review. Vote. Just let me know what you think and what could be better. 

One last thing is I am so indiscive and I cant decide if I want to do a Edmund/Ebony pairing or do Ebony/OC pairing. Pitchin a comment and let me know please!!



Chapter 4 – Voyage Preparations
6 Months Later
Day 185-186

Six months had passed and the day to set sail was nearing. They were making last minute preparations for the voyage. Making sure every crew member knew their job and how to do it. Caspian and Drisana were currently taking a tour of the ship. She was a beautiful ship with purple sails to represent Caspian’s heritage. The wood working of the ship was amazing. It was detailed and made the ship look elegant yet strong.

The interior was just as ornate. Caspian’s personal chamber was complete with a four poster bed, window seats, books behind locked glass doors and a small wash room. The study had double doors that opened inward and just inside sat a desk. Above the desk hung a golden shield with Aslan depicted on it. On either side of the door were two display cabinets with glass doors. In each were the gifts of the King and Queens, along with books in whatever space the gifts didn’t take up.

Overall the ship was beautiful. It’ captain was a good friend to the King and so far she liked the man. They had three days before they would leave. The professor and Trumpkin were to be left in charge of taking care of the kingdom while they were gone. Gareth had been convinced to stay home with his wife after much argument. And Lady Ebony had insisted on going with them. Caspian was hesitant to let her come but in the end Ebony had won the argument. She was coming as a companion and Caspian was less than thrilled.  He knew she would only being a burden but what he didn’t know was that from an early age the Lady Ebony had been trained in hand-to-hand combat as well as swordplay and she was a dead-shot with a bow. Ebony had gone out with Drisana one day and they had sparred for hours. Drisana wanted to be sure that Lady Ebony could actually hold her own in a fight. Drisana had to admit that for such a small girl she was a fierce fighter. They weren’t anywhere near being matched with Drisana’s year and years of practice but for the average human she was good. Every day since they had sparred she had smirked every time Caspian had complained about having to drag Ebony with them.

Other that the simple issues and last minute preparations there wasn’t much they could do to speed the process up. Despite all this work to find the seven Lost Lords of Telmar Drisana was really uneasy. There was trouble stirring, she could feel it and the feeling grew every day. She tried her best to ignore it but on the eve of departure she finally decided she needed answers. Once she had said her evening farewells to Ebony, Gareth, Mina and the King she took a trip into the forest for answers. She hoped Kamara would be able to give her the information she sought. It took her a couple of tries but eventually she managed to get her aura to expand out, a beacon and call to the Guardian of the Moon. Within minutes Kamara materialized before her in her human form and she looked tired.

“You look exhausted.” Dris greets as Kamara sat beside her on the grass of the clearing.

“You have no idea Drisana.” Kamara responds, putting her head into her hands, rubbing circles into her temples.

“What have you seen?” Dris asks her trying not to sound impatient.

“A very complicated future.” Kamara says with a sigh. “You are in for one heck of a ride and for once I think we will all be needed. You sister has dabbled in some dark magic, Drisana.”

“What!? She knows the rules!”

“We all know the rules Dris, but that doesn’t mean we are going to follow them. The worst part is that she has lost control of it.”

“What was she trying to do?”

“Neither Aslan nor I know.” Kamara confesses. “All we know is that you will be the only one that will be able to help her gain control of it again.”

“How can I stop her if I don’t know what she has done or why?” She asks confused.

“As the visions come to me I will keep you informed.” Kamara replies.

“Thank you.” She says, standing. “I should go though. Someone may have noticed my absence.”

“And I must get back to the skies. Until next time, dear friend.” Kamara stands as well, pulling her fellow guardian into an embrace. They girls parted and Kamara gave her a tired smile before disappearing in a bright white light.

Drisana stood there for a while, just thinking and processing the information she had just been given. Kasmira had always been a trouble maker but knowing that she had lost control of her magic shocked her. Out of all the Guardians Kasmira had been the one with the best control over her powers and magic. Why now? What changed? This had never happened and all she could think was why she hadn’t also been affected. The curse should have duplicated anything that had happened to Kasmira over to her body but in the last three years nothing had happened besides the battle.  “What happened, sister?”

She mounted her horse, forgetting the issue for the time being. She didn’t want to alert Caspian just yet. If anyone heard that the Guardians were falling into chaos they would lose faith in their ability to protect the people. The ride back was smooth and helped her compose herself. They were to leave in the morning on the Dawn Treader to locate the seven Lost Lords of Telmar that had served his father. She had known all of them to be good caring men all with different opinions that the King could use during his reign. She only hoped they were alive. She had multiple concerns about being out on the sea to find Lords that may or may not be alive. Her first was the fact that there were only going to be two women on the ship out of all the men. She worried what the men would do when they felt that urge. Despite that worry she knew that Caspian would take care of her and Ebony. He would keep her safe, he always had.

She made it back to the castle pretty quickly and as she was grooming her stallion Caspian joined her in the stables. At first he didn’t say anything, just watched her work. He found it fascinating the way she whispered to the stallion. She looked so at ease. It was a nice change from the usual stressed look on her face. ‘She’s beautiful.’ He is startled by the thought and the emotions he felt behind it. Recently he had been finding difficult to leave her side. He longed to spend every waking hour with her. Sometimes he would get irritated when she couldn’t be by his side during the long meeting to lean over and whisper silly jokes to keep him alert.

“What are you looking at?” Her voice pulls him from his thoughts and as he refocuses he sees that she is feeding the horse a carrot. Upon putting the brushes away she had noticed him standing there with a look in his eyes she hadn’t seen before.

“You.” He replies, his voice low and full of emotion. She couldn’t stop the shiver that ran up her spin from the sound of his voice. It was the good kind of shiver. He didn’t seem to notice her movement instead chuckled at the blush she could feel in her cheeks. “I have been looking for you. Cornelius wants to do an astronomy lesson tonight. To help with navigation while we are gone.” He informs her, wiping the emotion filled gaze he had been giving her from his face.

“And you need me why?” She asked.

“He wanted your help. You know more about the stars than he does.” He explains.

“Fair enough. Lead the way.” She says stepping out of the stall and locking it behind her.

“Ladies first.” He gives her a half bow and gestures for her to go first. She just laughs and shakes her head, amused with his antics.

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