Chapter 15: Our armageddo

Start from the beginning

"It's obvious he's crazy about you too, you know" Stan told Louis.

"He's so good to me Stan, and I know he loves me" Louis replied. "But it doesn't change our situation, does it? Sometimes love just isn't enough to make it work."


Harry came back from his shower just as Louis was packing away his laptop. He looked up and smiled, his eyes roaming down Harry's bare torso, his skin still glistening and moist from his shower. He felt his mouth go dry as he took in the lithe body, the curves and dips of muscle and sinew, the tattoos scattered across his body and felt the familiar wave of desire. Arousal seemed to be his default setting whenever Harry was in the same room these days, and as he looked up into Harry's eyes he could see the hunger he felt reflected there.

Their passion for each other had only become stronger over the last few weeks – still as insatiable as they'd been from the start, but now tinged with an underlying sense of desperation as their time together dwindled away. Every touch, every word, had taken on a new significance as they came closer to the time Louis had to leave. Their impending separation gave every single moment a new clarity, as if they were trying to remember each tiny detail – which was exactly what they were doing, cataloguing every detail and greedily storing it away to bring out and dust off at a later, lonely time in the future.

Without breaking eye contact, Harry slowly shed his towel, not moving closer, just standing naked in front of Louis, letting him look his fill. Louis let his eyes eagerly roam Harry's body and licked his lips as he swung his legs off the side of the bed, sitting himself on the edge. Harry walked over to him then, letting Louis slide his hands around the back of his thighs and pull him in, placing a tender kiss on his stomach, right where the butterfly sat, which was appropriate, thought Harry, because his stomach was fluttering with anticipation as Louis brought a hand up to circle his half hard length before leaning down to suck a mark into Harry's hip bone. He used his teeth, Harry gasping at the delicious pain, his hips thrusting forward a little of their own accord.

Louis looked up and locked his gaze with Harry's once more as he licked slow and hard up the length of Harry's shaft, now rock hard. Harry's eyes fluttered closed before opening again, heavy lidded and pupils blown. His mouth was open and his breathing was already laboured. Louis loved him like this, turned on and so responsive. It made Louis feel so desired, so powerful.

Harry felt like a horny teenager. All Louis ever had to do was look at him and he was gone, lost in a haze of lust and desire. He couldn't imagine ever not wanting Louis like this, with a burning need and an urgency that overwhelmed him. It was wonderful and terrifying all at once.

Louis was hard, aching, as he opened his mouth over the head of Harry's cock and sank down slowly, his tongue sliding along the shaft as he did. Harry moaned loudly, already feeling heat pool in his belly as Louis' mouth closed around him. It didn't matter how much they did this, it could never be enough for him. Louis was like a drug and the more he tasted, the more he craved. Louis reached his free hand up, cupping his balls, letting a finger slide along his perineum and Harry felt a white hot flash of pleasure shoot through him.

"Ohhhh... yes Lou... oh..." he whimpered, running his hands through Louis' hair and lightly tugging. He looked down, captivated by the sight of his cock sliding in and out of Louis' mouth, Louis' lips stretched and wet with saliva.

As Harry began to make small whiney sounds on every stroke, the pleasure building, Louis increased both his pace and his pressure, moaning around Harry as he slid up and down, faster and faster. He moved his hand from Harry's balls through to his puckered hole, applying just a tiny bit of pressure as he sucked hard and Harry saw stars as his release hit him out of nowhere. He made a choked cry, spilling into Louis' mouth and Louis gently sucked him through it before sliding off, panting heavily.

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