But a Car.

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                                (Pt 1)

     It happened so fast. The car. I didn't even see it. I was now bleeding in the middle of the road. My body was limp, and blood ran from my lip. I think I made some sort of a raspy noise. But my brain was too scatterbrained to hear it. I twitched my fingers slightly just to check if I was still alive. I saw them slightly move.
    Before I knew it. I was being lifted off the ground and set on a stretcher. I didn't know where I was going. I couldn't exactly think straight.
   A small smile crept onto my face. I remembered a happy memory of me swinging on the playground when I was only six. The smile quickly faded. This was it. The last time I'd ever see or hear anything again. I was going to die. A tear slipped from my eye as I remembered the pounding pain in my body and head, the blood, the noise, the car....
    I tried to focus on something of where I was. I saw... people. The edges of my vision started to darken. I felt sleepy. I closed my eyes then heard a loud, long beep. The sound a heart monitor would make if someone was flat lining.

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