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Hello reader, welcome to my story well, The Power!

For a brief history lesson, this fanfic was the first of mine to be posted onto the web (to Fanfiction.net that is), and it helped me get better with my writing overtime and be the writer I'm known as today. So, I guess you could say it's a pretty big deal in that department.

Anyways, this story was originally a Fanfic.net story, but a couple years ago (August of 2019) I decided to bring it to Wattpad for you all to see! ^^

A few disclaimers before we start.

This story is heavily revamped and rewritten from its Fanfic.net predecessor, mostly for outdated writing and old plot lines and ideas that aren't in use. So, if you notice heavy differences between the two versions, then that's why. Also, as you may have noticed, the Wattpad version merges the sequels together with the first part, that being The Change and The Full Form. Why? It makes more sense to merge them than write sequels in a different story entry like I did with my Fanfic.net version. (I honestly don't know why I did the separate story thing there). Some chapters are also merged together due to how short they originally were, so you might notice that too.

This story does not take place in the show canon obviously. The Power's magic elements and original characters are things I created and aren't in the show whatsoever. I mean, have you seen a red eyed magic Gumball there? Of course not. But yeah.

As for a final disclaimer, the first few parts do have references to the Frozen movie. They're pretty obvious. Middle school me just liked to reference movies she liked, especially when they match with her stories well. But yeah, just a heads up.

All art in this fanfic was drawn by me, please do not steal or trace the artwork whatsoever. Also don't steal this book either.

With all that said and out of the way, enjoy the story.

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