Chapter 10: Aftermath (epilogue)

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"..Ugh... What?.. Where am I?..."

Gumball woke up in a strange red abyss, the particles swirling all around him. He soon recognized it as red magic, as he glanced around for any sign of something approaching him. Nothing. "Hello?..." He walked around a bit, but found himself unable to travel far through this place.

Before he could even blink, memories began flooding back, from first discovering his powers, to accidently revealing them at school, the horrible detective man, the time travel incident, everything. It was horrible to think of, the feline in tears as he tried blocking them out. He did not want to remember. However, he soon realized the flood of flashbacks had ended just as quick as they came. "Huh?.."

"Oh hi big me!"

"What the what?" Gumball looked down to see a five year old version of himself watching him, curiosity, yet worry seen in the younger version's eyes. "Um... Hi?..." He was caught off guard by the sudden greeting. "What's going on? Why are you here?"

"How come you're okay with everyone knowing about you?" An eight year old him now stood nearby, crossing his arms as he looked confused. It seemed the previous questions were ignored.

"What do you mean?" Gumball raised an eyebrow, suspicious of these counterparts. What exactly did these two want from him?

"Your powers!" Five year old him replied, arms outstretched to look intimidating. "Y'know, the scary dragon monster stuff!"

"Ok first off, Elizabeth was the dragon, not me." The feline was growing more agitated. "Second, I saved everyone's butts so obviously they'd be okay with me! I don't have to be afraid of what they think anymore!"

"You're doubting yourself, aren't you?" Eight year old him looked up at him with narrowed eyes. "You think everything's okay, but secretly you know it's not."

"I'm not doubting myself I-" Gumball fell silent, realizing.. They were right. "I..." He wasn't sure what to say.

"You're still scared." The other continued, stepping closer. "You're afraid you're gonna hurt people."

"..But I saved them!"

"You hurt Darwin, remember?" Five year old him looked up, sadness seen in his expression, making the older cat's heart break seeing it. "He's still not back to normal.."

"And what about those cops in the woods?" Eight year old questioned. "They're still lying facedown in that burned grass you made."

"It was an accident..." Gumball felt tears appearing in his eyes, as he tried to deny all this. He was the good guy here, accidents happen... Right?

As more memories began showing up, the feline began to realize.

"...I am dangerous.. Aren't I?..."

Elizabeth was killed by him. He killed a powerful five-hundred year old witch. Wouldn't that make him bad as well?

Gumball sat in the cold red misty surroundings, tears pouring down his face. The two counterparts sat beside him, trying to comfort him. He didn't bother moving them away.

"Its no use Gumball, we have to get out of here and hide. You have to get out and hide. You aren't safe." Eight year old said, as Five year old didn't say a word. "Our best friend and brother is hurt. Hurt because of us. Trust us, it's the only way."

"...I know what you're trying to do."

"What?" Eight year old grew confused, Gumball now angrier. "Its the truth! We can't be here!"

"That's what YOU think!" The cat stood up, as red mist around him started getting sporadic. He was moving them. "I'm not gonna go hide out like a scared coward anymore!"

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