How They Ask You Out-

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You sighed and looked at your lap but nodded a bit, "Why?" He asked softly if not sounding hurt, you looked up to see pleading yet hurtful eyes, you felt like a terrible person but at this point you had to let everything out,

"Because I like ya David but we can't do this...Brian won't like this and I don't want things to be awkward and I know ya don't like me back but I thought that if I avoided ya the feelings would go away but they didn't and I don't know what to do and I can't keep them in anymore and-" You started to just ramble and express everything, but David cut you off by cupping your cheek and gently pressing his lips against yours.

Your eyes widen as you were caught by surprise, but you fluttered your eyes closed and kissed back. The kiss was short but passionate and lingering. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours "who says I don't like ya back?" David asked smirking slightly,

You chuckled a little and sighed "but what about Brian?" you asked, "We're both adults who can do and date whoever and I want to date you and only you" David said, you blushed and smiled a little "I want to date you too" You said which made David chuckle a bit as he kissed you once again cause you both enjoyed it.

I Am Wildcat (Tyler Wine)-

You don't know what to do because Marcel FORBIDS you to date any of his friends cause it's awkward to him and you have tried so very hard to hide your feelings about Tyler but it's hard, it's so very hard to not love his smile, his laugh, his hurts and it sucks knowing that you can't have him.

You don't want Marcel to be angry at you and Tyler and you know for sure Tyler doesn't even like you that way and that's what hurts the most...So you've locked your feelings away and kinda started to snap at people when they asked you what's wrong or if you're okay because you weren't okay.

Simone was the opposite of Marcel, she knew you liked Tyler and she's fine with it and Marcel will be Marcel, you know he's just a protective older brother but you can't deny your feelings for who you like so she said if you like Tyler then go for it and well, fuck Marcel, you're doing it and you don't fucking care.

You texted Tyler one day asking if you and him could meet somewhere and he said sure. So you told Marcel and Simone you went for a walk and you headed to the nearest Café which is where you told Tyler to meet you.

You know he doesn't like you but at this point you're just done hiding your feelings so you don't care anymore, you need to tell him how you feel. So when you got to the café, Tyler was there waiting with 2 things of coffee, you felt your heart race and face flush which made you smile and roll your eyes.

You headed over and sat across from him which made him smile as he handed you a coffee. You thanked him which made him smile "so what's up? Are you okay N/N?" (nickname) You sighed as you bounced your leg a bit anxiously, "No I'm not okay" you stated, Tyler furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "well what's wrong?" he asked, you sighed "Just promise whatever happens it won't change anything between us?" You asked, fearing that this will ruin your friendship.

Tyler just looked more confused but he nodded "I like you Tyler, alot but Marcel forbids me to date any of our friends but I can't deny my feelings for you. I know you don't feel the same way but I don't fucking care anymore, I needed to get this out so if this ruins anything then I'm sorry but that's just how I feel" you finally let out and boy did it feel good.

Tyler didn't say anything for a moment, you felt like the world was over and you felt like crying. Tyler looked down and chuckled which made you confused "Oh you silly silly Cunningham" Tyler stated; you were still confused which made him laugh as he scooted to your side of the booth.

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