Theyre first night with you

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Bakugou was sitting on the bed with (y/n) while they were watching a movie. He enjoyed having her. She was funny, cute, and a very sweet girl. He looked over at her and saw the patches of dirt on her, "Hey you need a bath?" (Y/n) looks at Bakugou, "I think I do." She said and covered her mouth. She HATED taking baths since she liked it when she was dirty. It expressed her tomboy nature. Bakugou picked her up and grabbed one of his tshirts and his small boxers, "ok let's get you all cleaned.", he opened the bathroom door. (Y/n) squirmed in his arms and tried to run off. She wouldn't cooperaite with him AT ALL! Bakugou got a little annoyed, "we agh! Are taking argh! A bath!", he started the water and got her undress but didn't look at her, he held her in the water and started washing her. (Y/n) cried and she kept trying to get out of the water and would hit Bakugou's arms, trying to make him stop. Bakugou didn't budge and got her all clean, he then put his boxers on her, and the t-shirt on, "there..", he panted, "all clean..", he grabbed a brush and gently brushed her hair. (Y/n) growled and she pouted and crossed her arms. She really wasn't happy with him right now. Bakugou finished brushing her hair and put it in a cute braided ponytail, "hey don't pout." (Y/n) didn't look at Bakugou and wouldn't stop pouting. She was going to be a really stubborn kid and teen when she grew up. Bakugou sighed and made her turn to him, "Hey (y/n) does your favorite movie and your favorite snack sound?" (Y/n) thinks about it, "Well the snack does sound nice. I want my snack!" She smiled. (Y/n) felt really happy now and she hugged Bakugou tightly. Bakugou chuckled and hugged her, "ok let's go get your snack."

Deku had set everything up and was happy about it. He brought her into his dorm, "ta-da!", he smiled brightly and looked down at his baby. (Y/n) was looking around and she seemed really happy. She made happy baby noises and couldn't speak yet. This was her way of saying everything was pretty. Deku chuckled and nuzzled her nose, "here let's put you in your crib.", he then placed you in your (f/c) crib. "I'll be back I'm gonna warm you up a bottle.", he gave you a stuffed teddy bear and went to his small kitchen. (Y/n) cuddled the teddy bear and was giggling a lot. She was just really happy and she'd make happy baby noises as she played with the teddy bear. Deku came in a minute later with a bottle of warm milk. After he checked the temperature, he picked her up and started feeding her, "Well hello honey, your so giggley!" (Y/n) drank the bottle happily, taking breaks from it every now and then. She snuggled into Deku's chest and had a smile on her face as she listened to his heart beat. Deku smiled warmly, he felt really attached to the baby, "here let's burp you.", he laid her on his shoulder and started patting her back. He was hoping the baby wouldn't throw up. (Y/n) burped quietly a few times and she didn't throw up at all. She looked really tired now. Deku sighed happily and got her changed, and dressed into a onesie, "ok let's get you to bed.", he laid her in the crib and smiled. (Y/n) whined and started crying. She wanted to sleep in Deku's arms and not the crib. Deku looked at her, "aw come here honey.", he picked her up and laid down, having her lay down on his chest. He rubbed her back and kissed her head, "ok now you can go to bed..", he pulled a blanket over himself and slowly fell asleep.

Todoroki unlocked the door to his dorm and opened it for (y/n). (Y/n) walked in and had a look around, "This is your dorm?" Todoroki nodded, "mhm and it's your home.", he smiled and closed the door then placed his jacket down, "I'll make you a bed next to my bed so you can wake me up if your having any emergency or if you wanna curl up with me.", he got out some blankets. (Y/n)'s eyes widen and she was really happy to have a roof over her head. She looked around and started going through Todoroki's closet. Todoroki watches and chuckled, "wanna help me make your bed?" (Y/n) looks at him and kicks back in a chair, "Not really." She said and looked tired, but tried to stay awake. Todoroki finished the bed and grabbed her. He laid her down and tucked her in, "we'll hang out more tomorrow."

Kirishima had been thinking of what he could do, now that he had a little girl of his own. He was thinking about training her to be strong, and very tough. (Y/n) was reading a book about pro heroes as she sat in a chair. Kirishima then smiled and picked her up, "I wanna show you something awesome!" (Y/n) looks at Kirishima, "What do you wanna show me?" Kirishima opened his door to his room, "this is my man cave!" (Y/n) smiled, "Woah! This is so cool!" She said as she looked around. She set her pro hero book down. Kirishima smiles brightly, "Everything in here is very manly!", he grinned showing his sharp teeth. (Y/n) looks at Kirishima, "Am I able to be manly like you are?" She was grinning and her eyes were lighting up. Kirishimas heart melted and he hugged tightly, "of course! We can start your training tomorrow." (Y/n) smiled and was glad Kirishima was happy, "Thanks a lot Dad." Kirishima smiles and kisses her cheek, "of course!", he started showing off everything.

Denki was holding (Y/n) and thinking about all the things he should do with her. He was making sure she was happy. (Y/n) was quite most of the evening. She had a weird judging face, but her chubby cheeks made it cuter. She started getting fussy and pouting while squirming in his arms. (Y/n) kept pouting and started crying. She was really really upset and started kicking her small baby blanket off of her. Denki came back and he made sure the bottle was okay for (Y/n) to drink. He picked (y/n) up and held her as he gently put the bottle in her mouth. She started drinking from the bottle and calmed down, she still had some angry tears going down her face. Denki gently kissed her forehead to comfort her, "It's okay baby." He said quietly to make her happy. (Y/n) looked at her fathers eyes with her pretty (e/c) orbs. She panted and stopped when the bottle was completely empty. Denki chuckled and gently started patting her back so he can burp her. He was really happy he had her, and hoped she'd burp. She burped and coughed a little before sighing and falling asleep on her dad's shoulder. Denki sat down carefully on the couch and held her protectively. He smiled, "My sweet baby girl."

Sero had showed his new daughter his dorm room and he smiled. He was able to set her in a high chair a while later, "Do you want any food (Y/n)?" (Y/n) looked around with her big and adorable (e/c) eyes. When she sat on the high chair, she started patting the tray which turned into slapping it. Sero chuckles and he got some baby food ready for (Y/n) and tried feeding her. (Y/n) took the first bite and made a sour face. She then sneezed and got it all over Sero, she giggled seeing the food on him. Sero sighs quietly and wasn't happy about it. He cleaned himself off, "Please eat (Y/n)." He said and tried feeding her again. She actually ate this time without a problem but saw a glass and the tap water, she started pouting and pointing at it. Sero looks at the glass of water and looks at his daughter, "You want some water?" (Y/n) smiled brightly and made little giggling sounds. Sero chuckled and let (Y/n) have a bit of water from the glass. (Y/n) happily drank it and burped all by herself. Sero chuckles and was really happy. He then made sure (Y/n) ate a little bit more. "Now do you wanna play for a little bit?" (Y/n) squealed and giggles. Sero played with her for a long time until it was time for bed.

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