|| Nineteen ||

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"Whoa," he gasped in amazement. "Is that...?"

"The alcazar my sisters and I call home," Famine replied.

Prompto aimed his camera at the beautiful structure and took numerous of pictures. "I didn't think it'd be that big."

"Yeah," (Y/n) sorrowfully sighs. "With all those vacant rooms, it gets lonely."

"What about your sisters?"

"The place is so huge we don't cross paths as often as you think. We all have separate rooms, but we do enjoy meals together."

"Wait..." Prompto briefly paused. "I thought you guys didn't need to eat."

"We don't, but that doesn't keep us from the delicious food. Pestilence makes the best sweets and most delicious tea in all the realms. We'll have to make sure you try some before we head back to Eos."

They rode up a narrow path that wrapped around the cliffside all the way to the top. They reached the entrance of the alcazar, which was decorated with beautiful flowers and a large stone fountain. The gate was already open and Limos trotted through all the way to the front door.

The couple dismounted the horse and entered the grand building. They stepped into the foyer, which was lined in marble statues of the Six. Their shoes clacked against the marble floor as (Y/n) gave Prompto a tour of the alcazar. He never thought his trigger finger would be so itchy after years of having not taken any photos. At every turn, he found himself snapping a picture and hoping to relish in the beauty the Inner Sanctum has to offer. Walking the vacant hallways made him relaxed and the bright, warm light piercing through the windows made the feeling all the more blissful.

(Y/n) showed Prompto the kitchen, the bedrooms, the library, and ended the tour in the vast garden located in the rear of the alcazar. They sat down on a stone bench and the sharpshooter began scrolling through all the pictures he had of Noctis, Gladio, Ignis, and (Y/n).

From beside him, Famine peered over and saw the joyous smile fading from his face. She scooted a little closer and turned her body toward him, placing a hand on his thigh. "He'll be back, Prom."

"What if he doesn't come back?" Prompto expressed his doubts, lowering his camera and turning it off.

"I know he'll be back. Put some faith in Noctis. He's gonna need it when he returns. The gods like to take their precious time."

"You can say that again," he chuckled lightly. He placed the camera on the bench and took the hand on his thigh in both of his. He squeezed her hand gently, staring down at the green grass below. "Noct might not be here, but you are. That's all I could ever want and ask for."

(Y/n) smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "Me, too."

Prompto rested his head against hers, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. When he tried to go in for a kiss, the Horseman jolted up and flew out of his grasp and reach. She turned and faced him with an excited look. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back. I've got a surprise for you!"

The gunslinger watched with wide eyes as she dashed off. She didn't even give him enough time to respond before leaving. He smiled and shook his head in disbelief before standing and admiring the beautiful flora surrounding him. He found a bundle of (f/c) flowers and picked a single one. As he turned to return to the bench, he jumped a few feet in the air and screamed when he found (Y/n) directly behind him. "W-When did you get back?!"

"A few seconds ago. Sorry for scaring you," she giggled, holding her hands behind her back to conceal the gift.

Prompto was eager and couldn't hide his anticipation. "So, what's this "surprise" you've got for me?"

"It's nothing big, but I did promise to make another one." (Y/n) pushed her hands out toward him and opened them, revealing the silver chocobo charm resting in her palms.

His eyes widen as he remembers how Ardyn had taken the first chocobo charm she made for him when he mistakenly thought it was the summoning orb. He also remembers (Y/n) promising to make a new one, which he completely forgot. Reaching out, he took the charm and admired it with gleaming lapis eyes. "I-I love it, (Y/n)!"

"I know it's really late, but I'm glad I remembered. I did make a promise after all."

With a bright and warm smile, Prompto placed the chocobo charm in his pocket before placing the (f/c) flower he picked in her hair. He laced it through her golden locks and cupped her cheeks in his palms. Leaning down, he placed his forehead against hers and rubbed their noses together lovingly. "You are just... wow. I-I'm speechless. You're just so perfect."

"I'm far from perfect," Famine remarks just above a whisper.

"In my eyes, you are. I don't care about what happened in your past. All I care about is our future together." Prompto stared intently into her (e/c) eyes. "I love you so much."

(Y/n) smiled up at him, tears glistening in her eyes. "I never knew love felt this amazing. Thank you for giving me the chance to love someone and be loved."

Prompto kisses her passionately on the lips before pulling away. "I can't live without you. You're what's been keeping me sane all these years. I hope... I hope you'll never leave me."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered gently to him. "I'll never leave you. I'll always be here by your side." With those final words, they exchanged one last kiss.

A/n: Next up, Book Three: Pestilence (Ignis x Reader)! Once again, thank you for reading this book. Hopefully, it was better than the first one.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat