Chapter 1

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People think they know me but they really don't.

Its funny how normal and kept together we look from the outside. Some of us feel as if were drowning yet we look as if were swimming. Some of us are suffering but we look as if were happy. Some of us tell the truth, but people like me are left with no choice but to lie.

No one knows how miserable I truly am. No one sees my pain. No one knows. Yet they think they do. They think I'm normal. They just think I'm clumsy. They just think I'm a bit weird. but never for a second do they think that they might be wrong.

My whole like I feel like I have been hiding. Hiding my bruises. Hiding my injuries. Hiding my fear. And most importantly hiding my life. I'm sick of it. The long sleeved tops, the scarves during winter, the makeup caked on my face, I want to be free, to be honest. To do, say and wear whatever I want with no one there to make me regret.

But when I was 15 this all changed. After my brothers disappearance I knew from that moment on that I was completely alone. That was the day I realised that I had no one. No one knew and no one would believe me. From that day on I made a promise to myself that I would tell no one, that I would put up with this bullshit till I was free. I made that vow 2 years ago, this time next year I will finally be free.

At school I'm the same person I have always been. No one not even my friends suspect anything at least that I know of. Sometimes I wonder how none of them have ever been slightly suspicious about my constant injuries, or maybe the do know but are staying silent about it. It used to bother me knowing they were supposed to be there for me. They were always there to support me but not in the way they didn't know I needed. I don't think about it anymore especially with my countdown ticking away in my head. I've put up with shit my whole life, a couple more months of it won't hurt. Just a few more months I think, a few more months till I run and never look back. 

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