Tove Love Disco t****

An hour later

Auslly: ( drinking at the booth while everyone was dancing )
Austin: having fun
Ally: ya
?????: hey Ally you look great tonight
Ally: Dylan? What is this the night of exes ? What are you doing here ?
Dylan: I came with Lilly and I saw you and wanted to say hi . You look sexy -
Austin : you wanna finish that sentence
Ally: Dylan hi now leave
Dylan : fine but give me a call ( leaves)
Austin: is he ever gonna get over you
Ally: I hope so but I don't care ( phone rings ) hello? I can't hear you give me a sec I need to step outside ( whispers for Austin to come outside with her) mom I'm back ..... your where!!!..... okay we're on our way ( hangs up )
Austin : what's wrong
Ally: it's Tyler he's in the hospital he had a asthma attack
Austin: I'll bring the car around why you go tell the guys
Ally: we don't have time for that ( follows him to the car and did a group text )
Austin: ( drives )
Ally: I just text everyone to let them know
At the hospital

Ally: I'm looking for Tyler Dawson
Mia: ALLY!! ( ran over and hugged her )
Ally: Mia where's mom
Mia: she's in the room down the hall
Ally: okay I want you to stay with Austin okay ?
Mia: ya
Austin: ( slightly smiles and picks her up ) it's gonna be okay
Mia: ( snuggled into Austin neck )
Ally: try and calm her down I'm gonna go find my mom
Austin: okay
Ally: ( went to the room where Mia said her mom was ) Mom?
Penny: Oh Ally ( hugged)
Ally: where's Tyler
Penny: the nurse took him to get a chest X-ray he should be back any minute
Ally: what happened ? What caused the attack ? He hasn't had one in years
Penny: ( lied ) he had his window opened and the wind and he was coughing really bad . Said he couldn't breathe
Ally: where was his inhaler? He has one in every room of the house
Penny: I couldn't find it
Nurse: ( brought Tyler back in a wheelchair )
Tyler: Ally
Ally: ( hugged him ) are you okay ?
Tyler: ya I'm fine
Ally: did you forget to close your window ?
Tyler: window ? What-
Penny: he's tired he needs some rest
Ally: nurse? How was his x rays
Nurse: everything seems fine . Just a really bad coughing spell . We gave him a breathing treatment we're gonna give him one tomorrow morning . Everything goes well he should be able to go home tomorrow afternoon
Penny: thank you
Nurse: of course get some rest Tyler
Tyler: I will
Nurse: ( smiles and leaves )
Calum: Tyler
Tyler: Calum
Penny: thanks for coming sweetie
Calum: ya he's my brother
Penny: Ally I want you and Austin to take Mia home
Ally: okay
Penny: Calum I want you to bring Tyler a change of clothes
Calum: you want me to come back tonight?
Penny: no sweetie he's about to go sleep just bring it tomorrow morning before they release him
Calum: okay mom I tried to call dad but he didn't answer I left him a voice message
Penny: why don't you all go home he's fine
Ally: call if anything changes
Penny: ( nods )
Ally: ( looked and saw Tyler went to sleep and smiles and hugged her mom) c'mon Cal
In the waiting room

Austin: ( saw Ally ) how is he  ?
Ally: he's fine he just had an attack they are gonna keep him overnight for observation
Calum: I'll see you guys tomorrow morning I'm gonna go to my apartment
Austin: alright we'll see you
Ally: ( hugged) drive safe
Calum: I will love you
Ally: what did you say
Calum: don't make a big deal out of it ( leaves)
Ally: Mia is asleep?
Austin: ya she was worried sick about Tyler
Ally: let's go home .
At home at 3 am

Austin tucked Mia in bed and went to his room to change and to shower . Fifteen minutes later he goes to Ally room

Austin: hey you okay
Ally: no
Austin: ( sat next to her )
Ally: just seeing Tyler like that scared the shit out of me . He's my brother and -
Austin : you can't bare the thought of something happening to him I know . I feel the same way about Roe . He's fine he's sleeping . His x rays were good . He'll be home tomorrow
Ally: ( smiles ) your right ( hugged )
Mia: Ally?
Ally: Mia what are you doing up ? It's late already
Mia: I'm worried about Tyler
Austin: he's okay I promise . When Ally left his room he was asleep p
Mia: you promise ?
Ally: we promise . I just can't believe he left his window open he knows better than that
Mia: he didn't leave his window open
Ally: ya he did mom said so
Mia: no I came to Tylers room for a minute it was closed . I got up because I had to use the bathroom and on my way back to my room I checked on Tyler he was asleep .
Austin: why would your mom say that if it isn't true
Ally: I don't know
Mia: Mommy was in her room and she was smoking
Mia: she had her window open blowing the smoke outside
Austin: ( looks at Mia) Will you be able to go back to sleep?
Mia: ya
Austin: go to bed okay ? Tyler is fine .
Mia: okay goodnight Austin
Austin: night Moonface
Mia: ( went to her room)
Austin: ( looks to make sure she made it to her room and closed the door ) Ally
Austin: No your not ( blocking the door )
Austin: first it's dark second visiting hours are over
Ally: ( took a breathe and sat on her bed )
Austin: I know your mad but wait till morning and we can all go see him and you can calm down a little
Ally: ( looked at him ) Fuck off !!
Austin: language ( laughs )
Ally: ( got in bed )
Austin: ( shakes his head and chuckled and turned off the light and was about to get in Ally's bed with her)
Ally: what do you think your doing
Austin: going to bed
Ally: not in my room . You have a room go to it
Austin: but I thought you wanted me in bed with you tonight
Ally: I did until you pissed me off so go to your room . I'll see you in the morning when I "calm down "
Austin: c'mon Ally I didn't mean it like that
Ally: But you did so go
Austin: Ugh ( went to his room )
Next Day Sunday

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