Katherine the bitch.

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Previously on the Boy Next Door:
~ Christina's pov ~
Corbyn opened the door and stepped outside. "Christina I have a question" he stated. "Okay what" i replied smiling. "Well i was wondering if you'd like to go out to lunch today? Maybe show me some good places in New York as you've been here longer then me." I smiled. "I'd love too! Are the boys still here?" I laughed slightly. "Yeah but we're actually in rehearsal right now. If you want you could come and listen" Corbyn replied smiling. "Sure why not!" Corbyn opened the door and i stepped in and waved at the same four boys i saw yesterday. They looked over and waved. The blued eyed boy spoke. "Hey Christina? Is that your name?" I laughed and nodded. "Yeah that's me. You know my name but i don't think i ever got yours." He spoke again. "Oh I'm Daniel. " The one with curly hair spoke "I'm Jack" then the youngest "I'm Zach" then the one with coffee in his hands "I'm Jonah" then Corbyn "I'm Corbyn" and then they all said in sync "And we're Why Don't We" I laughed. "Nice name." Corbyn smiled. "Can i get you anything? A drink? Something to eat?" I smiled and took a seat in a rocking chair. "No I'm fine but thank you." He smiled. Ugh i love his smile. Just then someone knocked on the door. Corbyn ran to answer it. "Must be Ashley." Ashley?
Ashley?! Who's Ashley? I thought. "Whos-" Corbyn cut me off. "My sister." He opened the door and his smile immediately faded as he stepped outside. "It's not Ashley is it?" "Nope. It's his ex Katherine. She's been ALL over him since they broke up. She cheated on him. Now she won't leave him alone" said Daniel as the others nodded in agreement. "Damn. Sounds like a bitch." They laughed as Zach nodded and said "She is your not wrong" then we heard shouting. "CORBYN IT WAS A MISTAKE I'M SORRY. HE DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING TO ME AND YOU KNOW THAT" I peered out the window careful not to be seen. "YOU CHEATED ON ME KATHERINE. AND THEN YOU TRY TO SAY HE MEANT NOTHING? IF HE MEANT NOTHING THEN YOU WOULD HAVE CAME AFTER ME AFTER I WALKED IN ON YOU TWO HAVING SEX. BUT NO YOU SAID "He will get over it" AND CONTINUED MAKING OUT WITH HIM. DO YOU KNOW HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE?!" I saw tears roll down corbyns face. Katherine looked at him. "FINE WE ARE OVER. YOU MEANT NOTHING TO ME. I ONLY USED YOU FOR YOUR MONEY AND TO GET WITH HIM." She walked away. I saw Corbyn stand there heartbroken. He sat on the the porch crying. I turned to the boys. "Should we-" i was cut off by jonah. "No. He needs space. Give him a few minutes" I nodded. Then Zach spoke. "Honestly I never liked Katherine" All the boys nodded in agreement. Just then corbyn walked in and ran upstairs crying.

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