Lock in Kitchen Hell

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): "So what now? It getting hotter each second we in here and (Y/n) doesn't like being here any longer."

Aiden: "The only choice we have is yelling as loud as we can and hopefully someone will hear us. We going to have to tried making noises as loud we can. Are you ready?"

(Y/n): "(Y/n) is ready to cause some ear damage!"

Aiden: "Ok let not tried to cause any damage to anyone but alright!"


It had been 30 minutes since and no luck. They tried yelling, stomping, screaming and all kind of noise to get anyone attention. After 15 minutes of that they decided to find some way to cool down a bit either by fanning themselves, making ice bangs to put on themselves or eating some leftover popsicles in the freezer. It been like that for another 15 minutes and now they both was on the floor exhausted.

Aiden's POV

Things have not been looking good for us right now, we been here for 30 minutes and somehow no one didn't hear all the noise we was making. Many if old man Goro was here he would open the door with no problem with that huge muscles of his. Seriously he made be old, but Pops is packing with all those muscles.

But anyways, it was so hot that (Y/n) and I have to take off our clothes and wear nothing but an aprons. Now laying down on the floor with an ice pack on my head, chest, stomach and legs. Sadly these ice melt quickly because of the heat.

I notice out the corner of my eyes I see (Y/n) laying their. With his popsicle on his chest having it melt on him and his ice pack that was leaking water. He doesn't seem like he moving...at all...of god!

I immediately got up and went toward him.

Aiden: "(Y/n)! Are you ok?!"

(Y/n): "Aiden...this is anyone came yet?"

Aiden: "Not yet, how you feeling?"

(Y/n): "Hot...sweaty...and sticky...very sticky. but hey...I feeling sleepy so do you mind if we cuddle...before I..." (Y/n) immediately fall asleep and I slapped him quickly so he could wake up. "Ouch...!"

Aiden: "Well I don't need you falling asleep yet so here let me help you." I then got a new ice pack and was ready to put in on his face, but when I try walking back to him I slip over and fell right down.

Aiden: "Ouch ouch ouch! Didn't meant for that to happ-" I realize that something was under me and it was (Y/n). "(Y/n)! Are you ok?! I'm sorry I didn't mean to-

I pick him up and I saw that (Y/n) nose was bleeding! Oh god, how I'm going to

(Y/n): "Aiden...you too close...do you mind...ummm." He sound a bit weird, he just wanted to cuddle with me and now he want me to get away. Wait he pointing to...oh...I just realize that my apron have fallen off on top of him and was am butt ass naked.

Aiden: "How god, I didn't mean to-" I wasn't about to finish my sentence the door slam open and there stand.

Yoshinori: "Hey are you two al-" he look at me and then (Y/n) and to me again. His face turn from worried to shock and to glare. This is going to be a long day.

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