How could you?!!!

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After y/n and sigma picked betray they only had to wait a few seconds before the doors opened they stepped out and y/n felt guilty because she was a teenager and she felt guilty betraying g someone she had gotten close to she walked to the board showing the results dio and phi picked betray, y/n and sigma chose betray and everyone else chose ally "what" clover says as she turns to y/n "why y/n why did you betray me" she says "I'm sorry clover dio was going to get out and if he did so would phi and I do t trust them and I thought you would want someone you trust to leave and get help please u sweat and why I did this" she explains clover slowly nods but then turns to sigma "so what's your reason how could you betray me I've done nothing to you so why" clover says sigma tries to tell her that he did it for the same reason but clover wasn't having it and called him a coward but then dio opened the number nine door once it was open y/n turned to clover and nodded clover gave a sad smile as she walked through the door after they got out of the whole place they found themselves in a desert and dio disappeared and y/n figures out that dio isn't a good guy and demands he tells her the truth which he does do he tells them all how he is part of an organisation called the Mymridons which is apart of free the soul which is run by a man named brother who had a brother called left who was murdered virtue police called it a suicide because the killer bribed them so it made brother use lefts DNA to make more people who all looked the same and the same gender which dio was apart of and his teammates e us left that left y/n shocked as they followed dio through the desert

That's dios done next I'm not sure what I w will be next

Virtue's Last Rewardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن